Donating appreciated securities is simple, cost-effective, and the most tax-efficient way to make a charitable gift. By donating securities, donors pay no tax on capital gains, receive a tax receipt for the securities’ fair market value, and reduce their taxes. Under current tax regulations, your donation of publicly traded securities is exempt from capital gains tax only when you transfer the securities in-kind. Your broker cannot sell them first to realize the tax benefits of donating securities.

Completing a simple form is all it takes to make a gift of securities for a purpose designated by you to Carleton University. The benefits of donating securities include:

  • The satisfaction of seeing your gift put to good use today
  • A charitable tax receipt
  • No capital gains tax paid
  • Tax credit can offset other income

A gift of securities should bring you great satisfaction and the knowledge that you have made a sound investment in the future of Carleton University. Your donation will provide more opportunities for higher education and inspire the bright minds of future generations. Your cost to donate will be considerably less than any other means of payment.

Please review our brochure on Charitable Gifts of Securities to learn more information.

Please contact the Personal and Planned Giving Team at or 613-520-3636 if you have any questions.