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Healthy Workplace Strategic Plan 2019-2022

June 25, 2019

Dear Members of the Carleton Community,

I am pleased to present our Healthy Workplace Strategic Plan 2019-2022. This important document lays out a holistic vision of health on campus and defines the areas of focus, goals and actions that the Healthy Workplace Committee and the Healthy Workplace Champions will implement with support from all senior university leaders.

Carleton’s Healthy Workplace initiative has already been part of our campus life for a decade. Over that time, we have learned that a healthy workplace is about much more than physical health. This plan identifies four key dimensions of well-being — mental, physical, social and professional.

As we embark on this new phase of Healthy Workplace at the university, I want to recognize and thank Ed Kane, assistant vice-president (University Services), who is stepping down as committee chair after 10 years. Cindy Taylor, assistant vice-president (Human Resources) and Prof. Adrian Chan (Systems and Computer Engineering) have agreed to co-chair the committee.

A key area of focus in the plan is mental well-being. In the next few weeks, the Healthy Workplace Committee will launch the Not Myself Today campaign, an evidence-based initiative developed by the Canadian Mental Health Association to support workplace mental health.

The world is increasingly complex and the pace of change compounds the challenge of living a balanced and healthy life. At Carleton, we value resilience and we are a caring community that supports each other. The Healthy Workplace Strategic Plan 2019-2022 is our commitment to continuous improvement in building a thriving, healthy workplace.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this important initiative.


Benoit-Antoine Bacon
President and Vice-Chancellor