Sexual Violence Policy Review – Update
Dear Members of the Carleton Community,
Following an extensive consultation and review of Carleton’s Sexual Violence Policy that started in September, the Board of Governors approved the revised policy at its meeting on April 25, 2019.
The revised policy, as approved, is now available on the Secretariat website:
As part of our commitment to a transparent review process, all feedback received and all community outreach activities conducted over the last nine months are available on the consultation website:
Over the summer, we will develop a user-friendly flow chart to clearly outline the policy, processes and options available for both formal and informal complaints. We will also continue to develop additional educational material and training for members of our community.
The policy is one of many initiatives underway to combat sexual violence, and our work is far from over. Many of the feedback items identified throughout the consultation process will now be used to help develop a comprehensive Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy.
The development of this strategy is led by the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Committee (SVPEC) in consultation with key stakeholders and we aim to have it in place by the end of calendar year 2019.
We are committed to ensuring a safe, supportive and healthy campus for everyone, and to provide support to anyone directly affected by sexual violence.
I would like to thank the entire community for their participation in this collaborative review process.
Benoit-Antoine Bacon
President and Vice-Chancellor