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Student Mental Health Framework 3.0 Consultation

October 5, 2021

Dear Members of the Carleton Community,

As mentioned in my recent updates to the community, this fall we are launching a consultation process towards updating our Student Mental Health Framework (SMHF) to version 3.0.

The SMHF 2.0 was launched in 2016 and aimed to further enhance student wellbeing and mental health at Carleton. Since 2016, I am pleased to report that all 38 recommendations in the SMHF 2.0 have been implemented or addressed.

A key direction of the 2020-2025 Carleton University Strategic Integrated Plan (SIP) is to continually Strive for Wellness. As such, we will be engaging the entire community and key external stakeholders towards developing the SMHF 3.0 over the coming academic year.

As a first step, we have developed a draft plan outlining the proposed consultation process. Members of the Carleton community are encouraged to review this draft consultation plan and to provide feedback through the consultation website over the next couple of weeks. Feedback on the draft consultation plan can also be provided by emailing

After this first initial step, we will finalize the consultation plan and initiate the consultation process with the Carleton community. There will be many opportunities to provide feedback on the framework through digital feedback, information and feedback sessions, and continued meetings with stakeholder groups.

We look forward to working collaboratively with the entire community. Together, we can ensure that we have an updated Student Mental Health Framework that best supports the mental health and well-being of all students.



Benoit-Antoine Bacon
President and Vice-Chancellor