The Senior Management Committee met on November 30, 2022 for review and approval of the following policies:

Card Access to Buildings and Labs Policy

In an effort to reduce incidents of theft and damage to property on campus some academic and administrative buildings, after normal business hours, can only be entered by use of access cards. Designated areas of Residence on campus are controlled by access card at all times – 24 hours per day/7 days per week.

Updates to the existing policy include:

Terms and Conditions

  • Additional methods of reporting lost, stolen or damaged Campus Cards.


  • The Department of Recreation and Athletics may issue cards to residence students and conference guests to designated residence rooms, which are only valid for periods specific to the nature of the request for access.
  • Access cards issued by the Department of Recreation and Athletics remain the property of Carleton University and are not transferable. These cards must be returned to Athletics once memberships expire. Similarly, lost, stolen or damaged cards issued by the Department of Recreation and Athletics must be reported to the department immediately. A fee will be assessed for replacement cards.

Procedure for Departmental Course Administration

  • Access to academic buildings, labs, and classrooms can be automated based on class registration. Departmental administrators are responsible for submitting changes for course automation before the 1st day of each term (Sept 1, Jan 1, May 1), otherwise automation cannot be guaranteed for the upcoming term.

Commercial and Supplemental Revenue-Generating Activities Policy

This policy ensures every commercial and supplemental revenue-generating activity at Carleton University requires the approval of the Vice-President (Finance and Administration) or designate, following review and recommendation of the Commercial Activity Review Committee (CARC).

Key changes to the updated policy include:

  • Clarification on the purpose and scope of “commercial activities” and imbedding alignment with the SIP
  • Established definitions and “guiding principles”
  • A designated “review committee” and structure outlining the approval process at a high-level
  • Risk and liability evaluation (e.g. reputation, financial)
  • Moving policy ownership to the Office of Risk Management