The administrator of a social media site can be referred to as the Community Manager. As the person in this role, you’re going to want to get out and start engaging your audience. You’ll be excited to get followers on Twitter or to generate some discussion on your Facebook page.

When using social media tools on behalf of Carleton University, you’re supporting the University’s mission, goals, programs, and sanctioned efforts, including university news, information and content.

No matter which Social Media tools you’ve chosen to share your information, it’s strongly recommended you:

  • Be transparent.
    If you participate in or maintain a social media site on behalf of the university, clearly state your role and goals in your sites biography.
  • Know your posting power.
    You need to make sure your department agrees with when you should respond immediately to users in casual conversation and when approval of responses might be needed.
  • Be connected.
    Please advise the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Students and Enrolment) when you intend to create a social media presence. Once you have created it, share your page or feed information so we can link up in the Carleton University social media directory.
  • Be respectful.
    Online conversations can sometimes become volatile with users being very impulsive and sharing thoughts they often wouldn’t in the course of a face to face conversation. When responding, remember you are acting on the behalf of Carleton University. We advise that you express yourself professionally to protect both your reputation and Carleton’s.
  • Know the rules.
    Become familiar with the terms of service and policies of sites and networks in which you participate. Pay attention to updates. If the legal language is hard to follow, follow a respected blogger or two who discuss service changes in their posts. See posts on privacy at for examples.
  • Keep your personal views separate.
    Remember that you are sharing information on behalf of Carleton University.
  • Be accurate.
    If you find a mistake in one of your posts on whatever social media platform you’re using, fix it as quickly as possible. If the mistake is pointed out to you by a member of your community, thank them for their comments, verify the mistake is indeed a mistake, and make the change.
  • Update Regularly.
    An engaging social media site needs to be updated regularly. Make sure you are giving new content, listening to the conversations on your site and contributing to the dialogue—this is the best way to make sure you’re encouraging two-way conversation instead of just reacting to it. Post a variety of relevant and engaging content like articles, links, photos, videos and events.

Remember, it will take time before you see regular community involvement on your site. Remember that most social media accounts don’t immediately become successful or popular.

What if I cannot maintain my Social Media presence?
If you are unable to maintain a commitment to regularly updating your site we strongly recommend you post to that effect, consider closing the account if appropriate, and that you request its removal from the Social Media Directory.