Teaching and Learning Services is pleased to announce the five outstanding Teaching Assistants (TAs) and three honourable mentions for the 2023-2024 Outstanding TA Awards.

The awards celebrate the support TAs give to the undergraduate and graduate programs in their disciplines, their roles in establishing a positive learning environment, and their work in implementing innovative teaching practices.

The awards committee was impressed with the strength and versatility of the nominations. After much deliberation, the following five TAs were selected as this year’s recipients of the award:


Anna Stone, Department of Psychology (PSYC 3100)

Cameron Flude, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIVE 3204)

Dylan Léveillé  Department of Systems and Computer Engineering (SYSC 4111/4810)

Sarah Danks, School of Journalism and Communication (COMS 2003)

Ziwei Liu, School of Linguistics and Language Studies (CHIN 1010/1020)

The adjudication committee wanted to recognize and celebrate three additional TAs through honourable mentions. This year’s honourable mentions are:

Honourable Mentions

Kathleen Mah, Department of Sociology and Anthropology (ANTH 2620)

Lisa Sarraf, Department of Psychology (PSYC 3500)

Tasneem Zreg, Sprott School of Business (BUSI 1800)

All winners and honourable mentions will receive a certificate and all five winners will receive $250 to recognize their commitment to student learning.

Congratulations to all recipients, honourable mentions, and nominees for the 2023-2024 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards, and thank you to the hundreds of students, peers and instructors who took the time to recognize the fine work of Carleton’s TAs!