1. Purpose of the Award
  2. Criteria for the Award
  3. Eligibility
  4. Timing
  5. Nomination Process
  6. Award
  7. Selection Committee
  8. Evidence to Include in a Submission Package

The Excellence in Blended and Online Teaching Award, established by Teaching and Learning Services, recognizes faculty members and contract instructors whose teaching in blended, HyFlex and/or online environments has had an exceptional impact on student learning.

Purpose of the Award

  • To celebrate and recognize excellent teaching in blended, HyFlex and/or online environments at Carleton University.
  • To encourage effective and innovative teaching approaches suitable for blended and online learning environments.

Criteria for the Award

  • Positive impact on student learning in blended, HyFlex and/or online environments.
  • Quality course materials and appropriate teaching strategies utilized.
  • Effective use of online learning tools.
  • Continuous improvement – the nominee has made changes or innovations in blended/HyFlex/online course(s) informed by student feedback, collegial review, etc.


  • This award is open to all faculty members and contract instructors at all levels and ranks at Carleton. Recipients may only receive this award once.
  • The nominee need not be teaching online during the semester in which the award application is put forward.


Applications are due April 30 at midnight, with decisions to be made by June 30.

Nomination Process

Candidates make a self-nomination for this award. Nomination packages are to be submitted in electronic form to  teachingawards@carleton.ca. If you don’t receive a confirmation email from us within 48 business hours, please contact us at draganapolovinavukovic@cunet.carleton.ca


There will be one award presented annually in the amount of $1,500.

Selection Committee

A selection committee of between three and five faculty members and the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) or their designate will review the applications and select recipients.

Evidence to Include in a Submission Package

The submission package should contain the following:

  • A completed application form.
  • A general description of the online, HyFlex or blended courses(s) taught.
  • The candidate’s description of the online teaching approaches utilized.
  • Up to three examples of well-designed course materials and/or activities which showcase effective teaching strategies. Examples may include screenshots, audio or video recordings, rubric samples or assessments, examples of discussion activities, etc. Evidence in the form of electronic resources (audio, video, multimedia, etc.) should be provided as embedded links in the document.
  • Letter of support from the chair/director or designate of the department/academic unit.
  • Evidence of student engagement and effectiveness. This can include unsolicited letters, comments or other feedback from students regarding their learning experiences. It can also include up to two letters of support from colleagues, excluding staff members from Teaching and Learning Services (which includes Carleton University OnLine, the Educational Development Centre and Instructional Media Services).

Please note: Applications must not exceed 10 pages (excluding the online application form). Applications that exceed this limit will not be considered by the adjudication committee. While electronic resources provided as evidence of well designed teaching materials and/or activities do not count toward the application page limit, the number should not exceed three examples.