Jalal Jaffer

Mr. Jalal Jaffer was born in was born and raised in Uganda along with his eight other siblings. Both his parents migrated to Uganda in their teens from the Gujarat region of India. He remembered his upbringing in Uganda fondly with memories of a attending Aga Khan schools but most importantly the Aga Khan sports club.

He was an avid athlete playing both basketball, badminton, tennis, and cricket at a high level. After completing his high school education he attended the London School of Economics and completed both an undergraduate degree and Master’s degree in Economics. Upon returning to Uganda, Jalal worked for the Diamond Trust managing finances and then moved on to becoming the education administrator for the government when the expulsion decree was announced.

Jalal became close friends prior to the expulsion decree with a Canadian immigration official, Michael Molloy, who encouraged him to apply to Canada immediately following the expulsion decree. Upon arriving in Canada, Jalal and his wife spent some time working for CIBC in Toronto before moving to Vancouver. In Vancouver he attended law school at the University of British Columbia and completed his law degree. Jalal and his wife have two children and are both continuing to their respective careers in Vancouver.

This oral history was conducted at a local restaurant in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Interview Audio:
