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My Name is URL: Creating SEO-Friendly URLs

You may think that you do not have too much control over your site’s URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and that URLs magically appear when sites go live. Web Services provides your site with a new URL when it is migrated to the new WordPress platform and then  automatically redirects your old web site’s URL to the new URL. Although you cannot change this top-level URL, there are ways you can improve the structure of your internal site URLs, which coincidentally, is the topic of this week’s blog post. A well-structured URL, which includes descriptive text and avoids lengthy alphanumerical strings, is more visitor- and web-crawler friendly and generates more traffic to your web site. But above all, a good-looking URL is SEO-friendly.

As you already know, using good category and tagging practices on your WordPress CCMS pages not only keeps your site better organized, but is also a way to help establish visitor- and web-crawler friendly URLs. There are some other handy features on the WordPress CCMS you can use when creating new pages that will help you create shorter, descriptive, and visitor-friendly URLs. Since URLs are derived from your CCMS page titles, for longer page titles you can customize the text and the length (thereby shortening the URL for the page) using the Permalink Edit button located under the Title field.

For new pages with longer titles that appear in your web site’s navigation bar, use the Menu Label field in the All in One SEO Pack feature to create a shorter page label.

This is also good way to display acronym forms  in your navigation, and the expanded, more descriptive form as your page title.

WordPress has built-in functionality that automatically cleans up URL formatting by:

WordPress does not apply formatting before the first character in the page title. This means that if you add an extra space before you start typing your title, this space will appear in your URL and in your navigation bar label causing formatting havoc.

Here are some other things you can do to maintain healthy and happy URLs: