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CuTheme Update: 7 Key Changes for Content Editors (Flexible Homepages)

Hey! Yeah, hey – you! 

If you’re a regular WordPress user, we’ve got some news to share that’s really going to brighten your day.

It’s about our new CuTheme which, if you haven’t heard about already, is an update on Carleton’s current theme. Yeah – that’s right. If you’re not already excited, you’re about to be.

An update to Carleton’s current theme means a few different things for WordPress content creators, including…

More flexible homepages!

In the current theme, homepages have a set number of content blocks, and while you can rearrange the order and layout, you can’t add any in addition to what’s already there. 

Here’s what that looks like now:

The current homepage layout has proven to be pretty limiting for WordPress users, so that’s why we’re happy to say that the new theme allows you to add as many different blocks as you would like, in any order.

That’s right. You have total and complete freedom of choice. 

In the new theme, you build out your homepage the same way you would any other page on your site: with blocks

So, you basically start with a blank slate – no pre-set structure. 

It’s just as simple as adding whatever blocks you’d like to a page in whatever order.

That looks a little something like this:

So, go crazy! Okay – well not too crazy. 

It’s a good idea to have some sense of structure, so we recommend following the template outlined in the old theme, but encourage you to add your own flourishes wherever you see fit.

Your website is your oyster – now even more so with new, flexible homepages.

This our sixth of seven blog posts we’re rolling out about the new cuTheme, so stay tuned in the coming weeks for number seven. 

And if you haven’t already, be sure to check out our past blog posts to keep yourself up to date on the changes you can expect in the new cuTheme.

Until next time!