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Meet Our People: Kira

Every month we are profiling one of the Web Services Department’s team members. This month we hear about Kira who is another co-op student with Web Services.

How did you enter this career? 

When I was trying to pick a university program to pursue in Grade 12, I originally thought of becoming a physiotherapist because I am really into sports, or a Psychologist because I love helping people. Turns out I chose neither of these career paths! I decided to go into the Commerce program at Carleton because it’s very broad and I thought I would find something within it that I would like. 

In my second year of university, I finally got to take my first marketing course and I loved it. I liked the creative aspects of marketing such as content creation, but also the strategic elements of it such as developing marketing plans. Since then I have taken a few more marketing courses such as Digital Marketing which I loved! 

Currently, I am completing a co-op term with Web Services as a Web Communications Advisor! I applied to this position because I wanted to gain more experience working with WordPress, creating and editing websites as well as learning new tools and skills!

Where else have you worked? 

For my last co-op placement I worked for Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) in the Enterprise Architecture Division. 

As a part time job I worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor for the City of Ottawa which I really enjoyed because I love to swim and work with kids.

One summer I also worked at a golf course in my neighbourhood as one of the grounds maintenance workers. This job was my favourite because I got to drive all types of vehicles and I enjoyed working outdoors everyday!

What are the best things about your job? 

Truly the best part of my job is working with an amazing team. I am lucky enough to have another awesome co-op student (Dana) to work alongside with. As well, the Web Services team is filled with amazing, super friendly people so I love coming into work everyday.

Another great part of my job is that I am learning so much about WordPress and website best practices. I love how I can apply what I have learned in my classes in the work I do and how I can freely share my ideas with the team.

What music are you listening to at the moment?

Currently I am looking for new music because I have listened to all of mine too much on repeat. 

I have mainly been listening to podcasts in my spare time and when commuting to work. I really love true crime so I listen to a bunch of true crime podcasts such as My Favorite Murder and Crime Junkie. I have even gotten my coworker (Dana) hooked on Crime Junkie!

What are you reading at the moment?

I actually just finished a book about the famous green river serial killer- see I told you I like true crime! 

Other books I have on my reading list are:

What do you do outside of work/school to amuse yourself?

I love sports so I play on a Carleton Volleyball Intramural’s team on Sunday nights and on Mondays I play in an adult rec league!

Besides sports, I love to do DIY projects, paint, sew and draw. I am always looking on Pinterest for new projects to try!

When I just want to relax I will watch Netflix. Some of my favourite shows that I have watched are: You, Mindhunter, The Alienist, Outlander, Downton Abbey, The Crown,The Office, Friends and Bones.

What exciting plans do you have coming up in the next year?

I will be starting another co-op placement this summer at the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) as a Marketing Coordinator which I am very excited about. Besides co-op I will be going back to school in the fall to finish up my third year of University.