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Meet Our People: Sakura

Every month we are profiling one of the Web Services Department’s team members. This month we hear about Sakura who is a co-op student with Web Services.

How did you enter this career?

As a communication student, I am particularly interested in UX design because it is interesting to think about the experience when a user interacts with a product. This summer, I started my job searching and I successfully got a job offer from Carleton University, Department of Information Technology Service. This position is an amazing starting point for my career path because it lets me learn more about the website and social media. In the future, I am thinking about taking a master’s degree in UX Design, learn more coding and design.

Where else have you worked?

When I was in second-year at university, I started my career path in social media. I was a Communication Coordinator at a study website called OneClass. I was mainly responsible for promoting the website on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. After a few months there, I freelanced for a Canadian performing artist as a personal translator for translating the blogs and interview materials between Mandarin and English.

This summer, I started my first Co-op term at Carleton University, Department of Indigenous and Canadian Studies. My role as a Digital Media and Content Development Assistant allowed me to work with faculty and staff, participate in the department’s social media and advise on designing a new website for our department. Now, I am doing my second co-op term at the Department of Information Technology Service, and I am mainly responsible for helping with the website and social media.

What are some of the technologies you have used along the way?

For me, I used a lot of design applications such as Photoshop and Canvas. When I started my job in web design, I started to learn website design tools such as WordPress, Squarespace and My favourite technology is Switch from Nintendo because it can be taken on the go, I can play it anytime, anywhere. In Switch, I love to play Animal Crossing, Just Dance and Ring Fit Adventure. They are just so relaxing and reduce a lot of stress.

 What are the best things about your job?

The best thing about my job is working at Carleton. I have been spending three years at Carleton. I feel so lucky that I can work in a place that I familiar with. At Carleton, I meet amazing people, including professors, students and staff. They are not just my colleagues; they are my friends; they are like the sun shining my lives.

Do you have some exciting projects you are working on right now?

Currently, I am helping my supervisors with the CU Theme Project. I am mainly responsible for advising the best approach to format and display content and training members of staff and faculty across campus in maintaining Carleton websites.

What music are you listening at the moment?

I love music deeply. I usually spend 4-5 hours listening to music per day, studying, cooking, and working out. I have different types of music to match what I am doing. For example, if I am working, I love to listen to something quiet and soft to help me concentrate (i.e. to Joytastic Sarah – Instagram). If I am doing work out, I probably choose to work out music to help me gain more energy (i.e. 88 rising – History). I feel like I am an emotional person that needs background anytime, anywhere, lol.

What are you reading at the moment?

I am reading my course reading…! (lol, just kidding)

I have been reading many different genres, such as philosophy, culture, religion and classic novel. Recently I finished reading a philosophy book called What Life Could Mean to You by Alfred Adler. He demonstrated his personal development with a practical approach to self-understanding, explore the key issues that influence the progress of our lives and our view of what life means. Alfred Adler has taught me about how to look at myself and how to understand the lives. Another book that I like is Courage to be Disliked by Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi. This book Using the theories of Alfred Adler, talks about free of the shackles of past experiences, doubts, and others’ expectations. It is a way that allows us to develop the courage to change ourselves.

What do you do outside of school to amuse yourself?

Outside of school, I will go home and travel. I was born and raised in China. I came to Canada alone when I was 16 years old. From 2015 to 2020, I only came home three times. I miss my family. I can go home. I want to stay with my family. Nothing is better than staying at home and having a great dinner with my family.

What exciting plans do you have coming up in the next year?

I will continue doing my Co-op until next year in April. After that, I am going to come back home and stay with my family. If the COVID turns better next summer, I want to travel to Japan with my family. In September, I will come back to Carleton and finish my degree.