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Meet Our People: Aarti

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What interests you about this career/co-op position?

Since I am in the Concentration in Marketing, I don’t typically spend a lot of time on the technical side. But being offered a position at the university as a Web Communication Advisor opened up the opportunity to explore the background, knowledge, and skillsets required when developing and maintaining websites. Hopefully this allows me to explore more options within the tech industry.

Where else have you worked?

After I graduated high school, I spent the summer working as a sales associate at Giant Tiger. Later in the summer of 2021, I spent time working at a marketing agency as an intern. I was then able to land a job in Carleton’s Web Services department as my first co-op position.

What are some of the technologies you have used along the way? 

Some of the technologies that I have used include Microsoft Office, Google Drive, and Canva. I’m currently learning to use WordPress.

What are the best things about your job? 

The best part about my job is honestly the people. I have had many scenarios where I will get very distracted with my colleauges talking about the most random topics, but it is super entertaining. Plus they both have excellent senses of humour, which means I’m not alone or bored during the workday. 🙂

Do you have some exciting projects you are working on right now?

An exciting project I am looking forward to working on is helping transition current websites to cuTheme, which is the latest theme upgrade. I also will be taking part in helping with making videos to further develop the new cuTheme training site. I hope to assist our Communications Advisor with our social media accounts as well.

What music are you listening at the moment?

My music taste varies based on different factors. I’m always discovering artists through movies, TV or pre-made playlists on Spotify. For example, I watched Yesterday on Netflix which led me to all sorts of 1970s era bands and artists.

What are you reading at the moment?

I once read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and quite enjoyed his storytelling skills. I am currently reading another book he wrote called A Thousand Splendid Suns.

What do you do outside of work/school to amuse yourself?

I really enjoy cooking and baking with recipes I find through blogs or social media. I always love the classic pastime of watching Netflix, especially K-Dramas.

What exciting plans do you have coming up in the next year?

I have spent the last two years in my childhood home after COVID-19 caused in-person classes to go online, so I am excited to move back to Ottawa and explore the city more with my friends.