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Meet Our People: Reyna

Every month we are profiling one of the Web Services Department’s team members. This month we hear about Reyna who is a co-op student with Web Services.

How did you enter this career?  
I recently completed my third year of Communication and Media Studies here at Carleton. When I was applying to University I knew I wanted to come to Ottawa, and I knew I wanted to do something in Communications as I have always loved writing. Therefore, when I was accepted to the Communication and Media Studies program I accepted on the spot. When I was conducting my co-op job search for the summer this winter, I was hoping to find a job that would help me develop my communication skills as well as gain experience working with media and websites. When I got the job offer to work at Carleton in the Web Services department, I knew it would be a great experience in my field, and the right fit for my summer work term.

Where else have you worked?  
Aside from working in various jobs throughout high school, once I moved to Ottawa for University, I completed my certifications to become a swim instructor. I worked at a swim school that specialized in conducting private and personalized swim lessons for almost two years. It was a very rewarding job which I loved, but once the pandemic hit, I knew it was time to move on. I briefly went back to working retail in January 2021 at a wine store called Magnotta as I was awaiting my start date for my position here at Carleton as a Web Communications Advisor. It was a great position to keep me busy during the pandemic, thankfully wine is an ‘essential’ that will never be shut down.

What are some of the technologies you have used along the way?  
My program has allowed me to explore and gain experience using platforms such as Canva for infographics as well as Google Drive, Zoom, and MS Teams. I am already gaining more experience with WordPress and hope to gain even more comfort throughout my time with the web services team.

What are the best things about your program?  
The best thing about my program is how many options and avenues you can take. I have been lucky enough to have taken so many different types of courses in order to find out what I am passionate about. I have taken a variety of communication courses that reflect how many options a career in communications presents. Similarly, I have taken many courses that reflect my own personal interests and values, such as human rights courses.

Do you have some exciting projects you are working on right now?  
I am currently working on familiarizing myself with our website templates and using WordPress, and I am also working on a newsletter outlining the basics and resources of web accessibility.

What music are you listening to at the moment?
I love listening to music and spend most of my day with music playing in the background. I love to listen to Spotify playlists, such as the Discover playlist in order to find new music. Some of my favorite artists are ROLE MODEL and Dominic Fike, but I am always listening to new artists and music that I come across.

What are you reading at the moment?  
I am currently reading the book American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. It is about a woman and her young son fleeing Mexico to escape a violent drug cartel, and the aftermath and their experience as immigrants in the US. It is a very captivating fast-paced story that I definitely recommend. Since completing a stressful year of online school, I have been able to get back into reading for pleasure and hope to read a lot more great books this summer.

What do you do outside of school/work to amuse yourself?
Outside of work I love being active. Whether that is going to the gym, doing yoga, or going for hikes. I love being outside, enjoying the nice weather and the beautiful scenery we have in this area. The pandemic has also given me a new hobby with puzzles. When it’s not nice weather outside, I like to listen to podcasts as I work on a puzzle.

What exciting plans do you have coming up in the next year? 
Throughout this next year, I will continue to work and gain experience in the co-op program, and I will finish my undergraduate degree next fall. Hopefully, COVID-19 will get better over the next year and I will be able to safely get back to traveling, as it is normally a huge aspect of my life. I grew up traveling as I spent my formative years living in Thailand. Once I graduated and my parents moved overseas again to Guatemala, I got to explore that part of the world on my breaks from school. Some of my other favorite places I have visited have been Nepal, Bali, Turks and Caicos, and Cambodia. I hope to get to explore some of the Mediterranean and Europe once I graduate.