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Meet Our People: Isaac

Every month we are profiling one of the Web Services Department’s team members. This month we hear about Isaac, who is a co-op student with Web Services.

How did you enter this career?

Since joining Carleton as a Media Production and Design student in 2019, I have been sharpening my skills in many different fields. BMPD is a unique program as it combines the teachings of several other degrees together. The research and writing tools taught in Journalism are incorporated with technical skills like programming, graphic and web design, and video production. After learning the essentials of these technical skills in class, I wanted to have the chance to apply them in a practical environment. When I saw the job opening for a Web Communications Advisor at Web Services, I was intrigued as I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to put what I learned in class to the test. Furthermore, it seemed like an extension of my program as I could continue to develop both my technical and communication abilities in the ICT sector.

Where else have you worked?

This past summer, I worked as the Marketing Coordinator at the Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (RVWS). I helped manage their social media accounts, design infographics using Adobe Illustrator, produce videos using After Effects and Premiere Pro, take pictures of the rescued animals, and lastly help revamp their website using the Avada plug-in with WordPress.

Before that, I worked at Canada’s Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN), serving as the Video and Design Marketing Student. There, I designed fun-looking illustrations to go alongside their blogs, updated their website using WordPress, and created an animated video about Smart Mining in Canada. This was a long process involving writing a script, drafting storyboards, designing illustrations and then converting them into animations, finding music and sound effects, editing it all together, and promoting it on social media.

During the first summer of COVID, I launched an odd jobs/landscaping business where I performed a range of jobs like tending to gardens and lawns, installing flagstone pathways, and staining fences. In addition to keeping me busy during those trying times, it also led to the creation of many cherished relationships with my clients. To this day, I continue to aid them on the weekends when I’m off from work.

What are some of the technologies you have used along the way?

Throughout my time studying Media Production and Design and working in co-ops, I have gained lots of experience using all kinds of web design software. I started learning how to use a variety of coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and C. Afterwards, I started learning how to use the Divi and Avada visual builder plug-ins in WordPress to design visually and functionally engaging websites. I’m also very experienced in using Adobe software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and XD to edit photos design, design graphics and illustrations, and produce videos.

What are the best things about your program?

The best aspect of the Media Production and Design program is the combination of two of my favourite fields: writing and design. Since my childhood, I’ve loved drawing art and over the past several years, I’ve developed an interest in writing. This program was the perfect opportunity for me to marry these interests of mine. I want to continue to learn how to optimally intertwine these two mediums together to produce content that engages all kinds of people.

Do you have some exciting projects you are working on right now?

My fellow co-op student, Quinn, and I are working on writing weekly articles for Cybersecurity Awareness Month. These articles will cover what phishing is, its different forms and trends, and how to protect yourself from phishing. Hopefully, our articles, in combination with all the other cybersecurity content coming out this month, will help to reduce the number of people who fall victim to phishing attacks.

What music are you listening to at the moment?

I mostly listen to music when I’m at the gym so it’s a lot of rock music that helps drive me through a workout. When I’m working or driving, I often listen to hockey podcasts.

What are you reading at the moment?

I’ll admit I almost never read, but after witnessing the horrendous end of Game of Thrones and loving how House of the Dragon is going so far, I decided to pick up A Song of Ice and Fire to dive deeper into George RR. Martin’s epic fantasy world. So far, I’m really enjoying it! I’m also looking to start reading the dark fantasy manga, Berserk, in the near future.

What do you do outside of work to amuse yourself?

After COVID imprisoned me within my home in March 2020, I decided to finally start getting in shape. While I worked out every once in a while before then, I knew I needed to be consistent if I ever hoped to see results. What started out as doing crunches on the floor beside my bed has developed into going to the gym on a strict schedule and spending far too much money on protein powder.

Apart from that, I love to play and follow hockey. Although it’s never been at a competitive level, playing hockey with my friends and in front of my family will always be special to me. Additionally, I am a die-hard fan of the Ottawa Senators who spends far too much time looking into stats and reading trade rumours on Twitter.

Lastly, I love relaxing with a nice tv show at the end of the day. Apart from House of the Dragon, I am 325 episodes into One Piece right now. Only 709 more to go! Sigh….

What exciting plans do you have coming up in the next year?

As I’m really only just starting my time with the Web Services department at Carleton, I’m really looking forward to continuing my journey with them as I learn more about developing web content.

I don’t have many big plans but with the Senators seeming much better this year, I hope to go to many more of their games. Also, I’d like to get out and go camping one last time before the winter comes. Lastly, I’ve been thinking of getting a tattoo for years, but no idea has stuck with me. Hopefully I settle on something and finally get one this year.