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Google Analytics is Changing

We use Google Analytics to track how our Carleton websites are performing. If you have logged in to analytics recently, you may have noticed a pop-up warning. It talks about the switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) occurring on July 1.

What is GA4?

GA4 is the newest version of Google Analytics. It is a big shift in how data is gathered and in how we think about web analytics. But the underlying aim is the same – to help you understand how people interact with your website. Then you can use that info to improve the user experience.

GA4 collects data about visitors and then presents a variety of reports and charts. You can see things like where visitors are coming from, what they are looking at, and what they are doing on your site.

What do you need to do?

Click “No Thanks.”

If you see this pop-up when you log in to Google Analytics, please click “No Thanks. ” Then continue to view your analytics as per usual.

GA4 popup

That’s it for now!

DUC is currently working on the transition to GA4. In the meantime please continue to access your analytics as you normally would.

What’s Next?


Our current analytics structure consists of many individual accounts, properties, and views. Best practices recommend consolidating accounts across the university. The new structure will bring everything together. This will allow for customized reports and dashboards to view data relevant to the goals of the university, departments, and units.

Technical Implementation

Web Services will take care of the technical implementation of GA4.

Access Reports and Training

DUC is in the process of:

Please stay tuned for more information on the change over to GA4!