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Web Wednesday Recap – Crafting a Winning Instagram Pilot

If you were unable to attend our most recent Web Wednesday event, no worries. We’ve written a recap of the highlights and shared the video and slides below. Enjoy!

Transitioning to Google Analytics 4

Jamie Rodger from DUC kicked things off with an overview of Carleton’s transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Universal Analytics (the current analytics version) will stop processing data after July 1st. What does this mean for Carleton and for you?

GA4 Migration Needs and Goals

GA4 vs UA

Current State

Next Steps

Crafting a Winning Instagram Pilot

Quinn was up next to share about how she created an Instagram pilot for Web Services.

What are your goals?

Quinn started, by giving a bit of background around our Instagram goals:

  1. to enhance authority and reputation and
  2. to build an online community.

It’s also important to take into consideration your target audience (in our case, individuals between the ages of 17-25).

They started off by doing a competitive analysis. This is a great strategy when planning any kind of content campaign. Look at what other universities or similar industries doing.

What content will you create?

Content Pillars

Keeping your goals and audience in mind, you can now come up with some ideas for content. We call these content pillars or categories. For example, we determined 4 key areas for content creation:

Post Types

Besides categories, we used a variety of content post types and evaluated which performed best. These included:

Pilot Phase

Once you are ready to begin your pilot, there are a few things you need to determine. These include duration, objectives, and deliverables. Here’s an example from our plan:

Tips for a Successful Pilot

There are a few things you can do along the way to ensure a successful pilot.

Best Practices (or things we learned …)

cuTheme Update

To wrap things up, Troy shared the latest cuTheme designs. We’ve been working on some really cool ideas for hero banners and featured content. You can have a look at these designs by going to the video replay at this point.

Be sure to check them out. We can’t wait to bring them to life in cuTheme!


If you attended the workshop, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Please share your feedback and ideas for future Web Wednesday topics using the form below!