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Posts sorted by Google Analytics

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5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Site Using Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the best tools out there to keep track of your site’s traffic and improve your…

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Monitoring Mobile Traffic with Google Analytics

Web Services is working on a future initiative to make all Carleton University web sites mobile-ready. With the increase in the use of hand-held gadgets such as Smartphones, Androids, iPhones, iPads, and so on to access the web, creating sites that support a smaller screen configuration for surfing makes good sense. In anticipation of Carleton’s mobile-ready sites and to pique your interest, you can use Google Analytics now to check out the number of visits you are receiving from various mobile operating systems, how many pages they visit on average, and how much time they spend on your site.

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My Name is URL: Creating SEO-Friendly URLs

A well-structured URL, which includes descriptive text and avoids lengthy alphanumerical strings, is more visitor- and web-crawler friendly and generates more traffic to your web site. But above all, a good-looking URL is SEO-friendly.

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Love Your Links: Google Analytics Link Optimization

As first revealed in a past blog post, optimizing links on your web site is another method that can help increase your site’s ranking in search engine ranking pages (SERPs). This week’s blog will explore this topic further and provide tips on how you can maximize link optimization by embedding links within your site content and establishing backlinks from other external sites.

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Singular Versus Plural? Keyword and Tagging Vocabulary Best Practices

Today’s blog post will require you to remember your classroom grammar lessons (yea!) as we unravel the web-wide debate over…

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We’re Number One! How to Improve Your Web Site’s Search Engine Ranking

We often receive the question from clients about how they can improve their web site ranking in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Or in other words, how can they make their web site number one (or as close as possible) in a list of search results of other post-secondary institutions offering similar programs.

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Vroom Vroom: Revving Your Search Engine Optimization with Google Analytics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to your web site from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. SEO draws on the techniques used to improve the overall organic traffic to your site but through the addition of SEO software applications, it enables you to further increase your site’s accessibility and search engine ranking.

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Beep Beep: Monitoring Traffic Sources with Google Analytics

Today’s blog will focus on the Traffic Sources metrics which provide data about the different kinds of sources that send traffic to your site. Web traffic can be divided into two basic referring sources: organic and paid traffic.

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Take Note of This: Adding Annotations with Google Analytics

Now that you are well underway with Creating Custom Reports and monitoring significant reporting trends using the Intelligence feature, today’s blog will introduce another new and neat feature to help you organize these trend findings. The Note Annotation feature allows you to create a note directly in your trending graph to explain a new trend in your data for a given reporting period.

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What's Your Site's IQ?

Although it would be great to have a dedicated person on your team whose main task it was to monitor the metrics on your website daily and spot any abnormal trends, this may not be realistic and is why Google Analytics offers this neat, new feature called Intelligence.

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