1. Registration
    1. Registration in Conflict
  2. Class Lists
  3. E-mail Communication


For registration and withdrawal dates and deadlines, please see The Academic Year, or the official Dates and Deadlines page. After these deadlines, formal permission from the Registrar’s Office (300 Tory Bldg.) is needed for all course changes other than withdrawal. The normal practice is to deny students the privilege to change or add courses after the published deadlines. Instructors and Departments may give their recommendations for late registration in a course. Students must petition the Registrar’s Office for late registration; the petition will be reviewed for approval by the Registrar’s Office using the recommendation of the Instructor and Department, along with other criteria. Late registration will only be approved if it is supported by the Department and the Instructor.


  • Do not encourage unregistered students to remain in a class after the last day for the course changes.
  • Do not accept or grade any work from students who are not registered in your specific class and section.

Registration in Conflict

Article 2.1.3 of the undergraduate regulations state that students “are not permitted to register in course timetable conflicts.” All Carleton University students are prevented from registering in course timetable conflicts in Carleton Central. This includes conflicts occurring between lectures, laboratories and tutorials (unless departments have specified otherwise, to the Registrar’s Office).

In the event that a student approaches the department/instructor for an exemption from Article 2.1.3, please refer the student to the Registrar’s Office for assistance. The latter will discuss the matter with the student and, when appropriate, refer the request to the appropriate Associate Dean for decision.

Class Lists

Your class list contains the names of all students officially registered in your class. Class lists are available on Brightspace and in Carleton Central. The class list in Carleton Central includes a class photo roster, with the campus card photograph of each student registered in the class. These images are to be used for identification purposes only and are not to be posted, published or used for any other purpose without the express written consent of the student pictured.

E-mail Communication

As noted in the privacy best practices section, it is important that instructors use only their Carleton email account for communication with students, as well as departmental administrators, chairs and directors, or other university officials.

It is also important for instructors to regularly check their Carleton email account for important and potentially time-sensitive information. This is particularly the case for Contract Instructors, who may occasionally need to be reached after the end of term with questions about their course, missing student work, grade appeals, or grade changes.

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