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Alumni Relations List Request – Events

Event Invitation – The Basics

Are you requesting this list for yourself (DUA) or someone else (Department/Faculty/Alumni)?(Required)
0 of 31 max characters
This will be used to populate the mail code description in Banner. Limited to 31 characters.
Mail Code
Solicitation (SOL) Code
If your outreach includes a direct ask for donations (for example, a link to with a request to support and/or a donate button), please check this box.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Target Audience & Content

In this section, fill out any information that will help to filter your list to include only your intended audience. If a filter is not applicable to your list, you do not need to fill it out.
*Only CU Alumni (degree record with institution Carleton) will be pulled into this request. If you require additional constituents be included (e.g. donors of any constituent code), please include details in the Notes & Special Requirements section. Standard Data Output includes: All constituent codes; primary and secondary relationship management information; last pledge number and installment amount/last gift/total giving history for previous year/last gift designation name/name suffixes; First and Last Fields unless there is an Alternative ID)
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Name Type
Please include only those individuals in the following geographic location(s):
List will be pulled based on postal codes within a 2 hour radius of the city.
E.g. “ALMENTOR” A list of activity codes to filter by can be found in Banner in STVACTC.


Select the exclusions below based on the list you are pulling. The options that are pre-selected should NOT be unchecked.

Notes & Special Requirements

If there are any extra comments or clarifications on the data being requested, please specify here. Include any relevant details on additional output columns. Please also provide basic context for the list pull. Please note that if you are requesting a list that includes donors to Carleton, Advancement’s standard practice is to include those who have made a donation within the past 5 years. If you would like to include donors whose contributions were made longer than 5 years ago, please contact Sarah Clarke: Once you hit submit, the data specialist will receive your request; you will also be sent a confirmation email that includes all information requested here.