Frequently Asked Questions
Browse answers to our most frequently asked questions below. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us directly.
Carleton University is a registered charitable organization that supports the needs of students and strives to create positive change in the communities it serves. Carleton’s Department of University Advancement contacts members of the Carleton community—including donors, alumni and friends—to share updates and news and to request philanthropic support to advance Carleton’s mission of being a force for good in higher education.
You may occasionally receive phone calls from a Carleton student caller through the Telephone Outreach Program (TOP). Student callers, known as Community Engagement Associates (CEAs), work with Carleton Advancement to help raise awareness of philanthropic initiatives and funds at Carleton. If you have questions or concerns regarding TOP, please contact us at
Data security and privacy are top priorities for Carleton Advancement. We comply with the standards set by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council and the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (FIPPA) to ensure your information is protected.
If your contact information has changed or you would like to change your communication preferences with Carleton, please complete the Update Your Contact Preferences form.
If you no longer wish to receive communications from the Department of University Advancement, please complete the Update Your Contact Preferences form. Please note that changes to your preferences can take up to 72 hours to take effect.
Carleton’s charitable registration number is 11883 8937 RR0001.
If you are missing a tax receipt for a donation you made to Carleton University, please contact us via phone at 613-520-2600, ext. 3636 and our Gifts Administration team will be able to assist in sending you a copy of your tax receipt.
There are many priorities and giving areas that you can choose to support through Carleton, depending on your interests and goals. These include student awards, experiential learning, student experience, research, community engagement, and initiatives and programs that advance social causes.
You can learn more about these giving areas by visiting our donor page. You can also visit FutureFunder to browse active projects and priorities that may be of interest.
You can also reach out anytime to to connect with a knowledgeable member of our team. Our staff will be pleased to help identify opportunities that align with your goals.
We offer a variety of convenient ways to give, including online at FutureFunder, by phone, by mail, in your will, by EFT or wire transfer, and via donor-advised funds. For more information, see the “Ways to Give” section of our donor page.
The FutureFunder is Carleton’s in-house crowdfunding platform. On the FutureFunder, you can explore hundreds of projects, funds and active fundraising campaigns and join collective efforts to make a positive impact at Carleton and beyond. To learn more about the FutureFunder and how you can make a difference, visit
There are two types of awards you can choose to create: a bursary, which is based on financial need and can help provide equitable access to education, or a scholarship, which acknowledges and rewards exceptional academic achievement.
Both bursaries and scholarships can be established as either an endowed award or an annual award. Endowments exist for the life of the university, which means your award will help generations of students and have a permanent impact. Annual awards typically exist for a term of five years and are a great option to create immediate impact.
You can create and name an endowed undergraduate award with a minimum endowed gift of $25,000, and a graduate award with a minimum endowed gift of $50,000.
You can create and name an annual undergraduate award with a gift of $5,000 ($1,000/year for five years), or an annual graduate award with a gift of $10,000 ($2,000/year for five years).
For more information or if you’d like to discuss the possibility of establishing a student award, please contact us at
You may designate your scholarship or bursary to be awarded to students in a specific faculty, department or program, but not specific individuals.
Becoming a monthly donor is an easy way to make a lasting impact. You can set up a convenient monthly gift by selecting the “recurring” option when you donate via FutureFunder or by calling the Department of University Advancement at (613) 520-3636.
If you’re a faculty or staff member, you have the option to set up your monthly gift as a payroll deduction on FutureFunder or by calling us.
Whether you are considering revising your current will or are about to have a will drafted for the first time, arranging a gift in your will to Carleton University is easy. To learn more about making a gift by will, visit or email us at You can also request our complimentary planning guide, “A Gift by Will,” here.
If you have other questions related to making a gift by will, you can also consult the FAQ page on the Plan for Good website.
If you are a Carleton alum or family member (spouse, child, grandchild, parent or sibling) of an alum, you are able to make a gift directly to Carleton University as a U.S. resident or citizen. Under the Canada-United States Income Tax Convention, you are also entitled to a charitable deduction for gifts that you make to Carleton.
If you are not an alum or family member of an alum, you can make a gift through our affiliated U.S. foundation: Carleton University Foundation (U.S.).
The foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity recognized under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Carleton University Foundation (U.S.) Tax Exempt ID number is 52-1970455.
Cheques made to Carleton University Foundation (U.S.) should be mailed to:
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20004
If you are a faculty member, staff or student involved with an initiative that advances teaching and learning at Carleton that requires financial support and has a specific deadline for support, you can submit it for consideration at FutureFunder. If accepted, your project will be created as a fundraising campaign on the FutureFunder, and you will be able to share the link with your network to garner support.
Carleton University is a registered charity and submitted projects must therefore meet charitable requirements. To learn more, visit the FAQ page on the FutureFunder website.
If you’re ready to get started, submit your project today.
If you are a faculty or staff member who engages with alumni and donors, Advancement can help. We maintain accurate and up-to-date contact records and provide targeted mailing list services to campus partners for alumni and donor outreach. Our knowledgeable staff can also help provide guidance and advice on outreach strategies, as needed.
To request a mailing list, please fill out our List Request form. If you have questions about donor or alumni engagement, or would like to request support or guidance, contact us at
Advancement’s Alumni and Community Engagement team works closely with the Carleton University Alumni Association (CUAA) to support academic, affinity and geographic alumni chapters. As a member of an alumni chapter, you can reconnect with former classmates and meet new Carleton alumni friends.
To learn more about the available chapters or to get involved, please contact the Alumni and Community Engagement team by phone at 1-866-CU-PROUD or by email at
Advancement offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for alumni, including through the Carleton University Alumni Association (CUAA) Executive, CUAA chapters, and by helping us spread the word about Carleton’s mission and impact.
To learn more, visit the Carleton Alumni website.
While we cannot share personal information of another Carleton alum without consent, we can try reaching out to the person on your behalf (if we have their contact information) and see if we can share your information with them.
To do this, please contact us by phone at 1-866-CU-PROUD or by email at
As a business, you can support Carleton’s mission while advancing your company’s goals through sponsorship opportunities, philanthropic giving or by establishing a comprehensive Holistic Integrated Partnership (HIP), which brings together elements of talent acquisition and development, research and brand awareness.
To learn more, visit our corporate partners page.
Yes, by engaging with Advancement, you can access exciting sponsorship opportunities that contribute to brand awareness, engage Carleton’s wide-reaching community of talented students, world-class researchers and a network of collaborators from industry and government, and advance critical social issues by connecting Carleton’s mission of education, research and community engagement with corporate social responsibility.
To learn more, visit our sponsorship website.
Carleton Community
Carleton students can get involved with Advancement and engage in Carleton’s philanthropic mission by joining the Telephone Outreach Program (TOP). Through TOP, student callers connect with diverse Carleton stakeholders to build awareness about various philanthropic initiatives and funds at Carleton.
To learn more, visit our student page.
As a Carleton retiree, there are several ways you can stay involved and up to date on Carleton news and successes—including getting involved with the Carleton University Retirees Association (CURA), updating your contact preferences to ensure you’re receiving Advancement’s retirees newsletter, and participating in the Campus Community Campaign. To learn more, see the retirees section on our Carleton community page.
The CU Parents website is an excellent resource to support parents of current and incoming Carleton students. Browse the site for information about student services, orientation programs, campus life and much more. You can also subscribe to a monthly newsletter for parents on the homepage of the website.
Advancement also shares regular outreaches to Carleton parents to keep you informed on campus news, share giving impact stories, and provide information about Carleton’s philanthropic mission and the role of donors and partners in supporting your student(s). Update your contact preferences to ensure we include you on these outreaches.