Quick Facts

  • Charitable giving to Carleton helps fund scholarships and bursaries for students. This past year alone, donors helped establish 38 new bursaries and scholarships and 49 new Student Experience funds, totaling over $30 million dollars in funding.
    • Campaigns, funds, and donations through Carleton help support our community in many ways, such as through greater access to knowledge, creation of scholarships and bursaries, and building an inclusive environment on-campus and beyond
  • Carleton University is a registered charity.
    • Every charitable gift to Carleton is eligible for an official tax receipt.
  • Philanthropy directly benefits undergraduate students in many ways, including through research grants, library collections funding, student experience and experimental learning opportunities, enhancing support for mental health, equity, diversity and inclusion, and scholarships and bursaries.
  • Carleton has hundreds of unique and diverse funds that charitable gifts can be directed towards.
    • If you would like to learn more, make sure to read about all of our funds on Future Funder. This website is also where you can make a donation to a philanthropic campaign through Carleton that you find particularly interesting or are passionate about!