Hierarchy for Winter 2024 Solicitations is as follows (to be updated each semester by AGC). Please note the list you are pulling to solicit, the hierarchy below, and whether or not each group should be suppressed or included when indicating who to remove below.

Priority SOLICTATION HIERARCHY for WINTER 2024 (January-April) Plan to Solicit this Specific Seg. this Semester? Include or Suppress?
1 BOG Members Yes Suppress
2 Campus Community Campaign (all faculty and staff and retirees) Yes Suppress, review any LAG or Parent LAG if desired
3 Leadership Annual Giving (donors and prospect list, including Tory) (Mary to provide list to Amanda) Yes Suppress
4 Parent Leadership Giving Donors and Prospects (Ruby to provide list to Amanda) Yes Suppress
5 Monthly Acquisition / Upgrade List (Bethany to provide to Amanda) Yes Suppress
6 Current Monthly Donors No Suppress, include in FYE
7 2023 Grads/Alumni No Suppress
8 Parents (new, prospect, current, former) Yes Suppress
9 Recent Graduates Prospects (2018 – 2022) Yes Suppress
10 Alumni Yes Suppress
11 Friends Yes Include