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Engagement Communications List Request

"*" indicates required fields

The service standard to receive a requested list is 3 business days.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Type of Communication*
Please create corresponding mail code in Banner:
A mail code will be created immediately in Banner based on your selection above. Prior to sending your outreach, you must use the Upload Mail Code Form to apply the mail code to the individual records in Banner.

Target Audience

In this section, please provide any information that will help the Database Officer to provide you with the data you require. Please provide as much detail as possible. E.g. all contactable alumni; all athletic alumni; all donors in the last 5 years to a specific designation.


The pre-selected options below should not be unchecked. Please select any additional exclusions that should be applied based on the type of outreach.*

Details of Your Outreach

Please provide as much detail as possible about the outreach you are doing.