If you would like to request a consultation meeting to discuss your data needs, please submit a list request consultation. Friends of Advancement - Request a List The BasicsAre you requesting this list for yourself or someone else?* Myself Someone else Please remember to DELETE any information from the data that the receiving party does not require - only include what is completely necessary. Additionally, please PASSWORD PROTECT the data when sending through email. Your Name* Your Email Address* Who are you requesting this list for (name)?* What is their email address?* Date data is required by: MM slash DD slash YYYY Please allow 3 business days for any data request. What type of communication are you sending?* Mail Email Phone You can select more than one communication if you plan to communicate in multiple ways. Target Audience and ContentWho do you want to be included on your list?*Be as specific as possible. This helps ensure you receive the list you want. Example 1: Please include any Geography alumni who live in the Ottawa area who graduated in the 90s. Example 2: Please include any alumni who played on the football team. Additionally, please include any donor who has supported the football team. Please note that if you are requesting a list that includes donors to Carleton, Advancement's standard practice is to include those who have made a donation within the past 5 years. If you would like to include donors whose contributions were made longer than 5 years ago, please contact Sarah Clarke: sarah.clarke@carleton.ca.What is the purpose of the communication?*Please provide details: Is this for a newsletter? An event invitation? A solicitation for donations? Etc.Once you hit submit, the data specialist will receive your request; you will also be sent a confirmation email that includes all information requested here. The database specialist will be in touch should they need more information/clarification for your list. Δ Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: https://carleton.ca/advancement/?p=3433