Hierarchy for Winter 2024 is as follows (to be updated each semester by AGC). Please note the list you are pulling to solicit/steward, the hierarchy below, and whether or not each group should be suppressed or included when indicating who to remove below.


Priority SOLICTATION HIERARCHY for WINTER 2024 (January-April) Plan to Solicit this Specific Seg. this Semester? Include or Suppress?
1 BOG Members Yes Suppress
2 Campus Community Campaign (all faculty and staff and retirees) Yes Suppress, review any LAG or Parent LAG if desired
3 Leadership Annual Giving (donors and prospect list, including Tory) (Mary to provide list to Amanda) Yes Suppress
4 Parent Leadership Giving Donors and Prospects (Ruby to provide list to Amanda) Yes Suppress
5 Monthly Acquisition / Upgrade List (Bethany to provide to Amanda) Yes Suppress
6 Current Monthly Donors No Suppress, include in FYE
7 2023 Grads/Alumni No Suppress
8 Parents (new, prospect, current, former) Yes Suppress
9 Recent Graduates Prospects (2018-2022) Yes Suppress
10 Alumni Yes Suppress
11 Friends Yes


Priority STEWARDSHIP HIERARCHY for WINTER 2024 (January-April) Plan to Steward Specific Seg. this Semester? Include or Suppress?
2 CCC (faculty, staff, retirees) Yes – CCC Engagement Include prior to CCC campaign
3 Leadership Annual Giving Donors Yes – PR Update Suppress
4 Tory Society Donors 2023/2024 Yes – PR Update Suppress
5 President’s Fund (May 2020 to date) Yes – TBC Include
6 Monthly Donors Yes Include. Also include LAG & Tory if monthly
7 2023 Grads/Alumni Yes Include
8 Parent Leadership List Yes – PR Update Include

*Anyone on the stewardship hierarchy who indicates “Include” will be sent the New Years Thank You message to start the year.