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Your Impact: Student Testimonials

Hear from students who have been supported during their academic journey thanks to the generosity of our donor community.

Your generosity has allowed me to pursue my dreams without worrying about the financial challenges that come with higher education. Receiving this scholarship is not only a financial blessing, but also an encouragement to work harder and to strive for excellence in my academic pursuits. I am determined to make the most of this opportunity, and I promise to use the knowledge and skills that I acquire to make a positive difference in my community.

Mastoor, PhD Student, Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies

Higher education is unattainable for many due to the cost, but awards like these make a real difference. I feel extremely privileged to have received this award, having support from not only my loved ones but from the generosity of donors who do not even know me motivates me to continue my hard work and do my best to continue being a straight-A student. I hope that one day I am able to live comfortably enough to return the favour and support other students because it truly makes a difference.

Charlotte, Undergraduate Student, Journalism

Over the past four years, I have made incredible memories with my team that would not have been possible without the support I have received from the Ravens Athletic Award. It allowed me to put more time into the gym, on the field, and with my team, which helped us make history. You have truly allowed me to have an experience I will cherish in my heart forever. I have had success on the field and in the classroom, and will now be headed to grad school. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely thank you for your generosity.

Malak, Undergraduate Student, Biomedical and Electrical Engineering

The financial support provided through this award will alleviate the financial burden of my education and enable me to focus more on my studies and personal growth. It will also provide me with the opportunity to participate in additional educational opportunities to enrich my university experience. As I move forward in my academic journey, I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and using the resources provided by this generous donation to create a brighter future for myself, and those around me. Your support has not only impacted my present but, will also have a lasting effect on my future.

Najah, Master’s Student, Economics

My first year at Carleton was full of interesting ideas, stimulating discussions, empathetic colleagues, and wonderful professors. As I begin my second year, receiving this award bolsters my confidence and reminds me that the investment is worthwhile. Thank you for supporting me as I pursue my passion and goals! I am forever grateful.

Jennifer, Master’s Student, Social Work

Experiential Learning

By engaging in experiential learning, students have the opportunity to co-create meaningful solutions to real-world challenges in collaboration with local and global partners. Benjamin, Vitoria and Aidan share their experiences traveling to remote communities as part of the Engineers Without Borders CAIF Fellowship and Buckets to Rain Barrels initiatives.