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Entrance Bursaries

A Carleton University Entrance Bursary will provide you with additional funds to help you meet the direct educational costs of your first-year studies.


Leadership Entrance Bursary Awards

High school students who have taken a leadership role in their school’s extracurricular activities and in community service may also be considered for a Leadership Entrance Bursary.

Application through Carleton Central

There is only one application form for the Leadership Entrance Bursaries listed in the table below. To be considered, you must apply through Carleton Central by May 1st.

(number available)
Marjorie Carol Shaver-Jones Bursary in Global and International Studies (1)Full tuition in first, second, third and fourth yearAny program*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Mabel Grace Gilroy Shaver Bursary in Economics (1)Full tuition in first, second, third and fourth yearAny program*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Charles Marston Shaver Bursary in Electrical Engineering (1)Full tuition in first, second, third and fourth yearAny program*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Linda Dunsmore Brown Bursary (1)$3000 in first year and renewable at $3000 for second, third and fourth yearAny program*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Carleton University Alumni Association Leadership Bursary (1)$5000 in first yearAny program*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Minimum admission average of 75%
CIBC Bursaries (3)$5000 in first year and renewable at $5000 for
second, third and fourth year
Commerce or  International Business*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Minimum admission average of 85%
Douglas Arthur de Pencier Leadership Bursary (5)$6000 in first year and renewable at $6000 for
second, third and fourth year
Any program*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Entering university from a high school in North Grenville, North Dundas, Winchester, Kemptville, Richmond, Osgoode, Merrickville-Wolford, Smiths Falls and North Gower areas of Eastern Ontario
Helen and Douglas Nicholson Science Entrance Bursary (1)Full tuition in first yearBachelor of Science*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work
Minimum admission average of 75%
Donald R. Yeomans Bursary (1)Full tuition in first,
second, third and fourth year
Any program*Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person
Financial need and participation in extra-curricular secondary school activities, community service, or volunteer work


*Entering the first year of full-time undergraduate study and pursuing post-secondary studies for the first time

Separate Application Required