When you pursue a graduate degree in Biology at Carleton you belong to the Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Biology (OCIB) – one of the largest biology graduate programs in Canada!

The Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Biology is one of the largest centers in Canada for graduate studies and research in Biology. More than 80 full time faculty and 50 adjunct professors supervise the research of approximately 350 graduate students at the Institute. The Institute has several major fields of research including: Cellular and Molecular Biology; Animal Physiology and Biochemistry; Plant Sciences; Neurobiology and Behaviour, Genomics and Bioinformatics; and, Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. The Institute also contributes to interdisciplinary specializations including Biotechnology, Environmental and Chemical Toxicology, Neuroscience, and Data Science.

The Institute was formed in 1982 by the amalgamation of the graduate programs of Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. Because of its location in Canada’s capital, Institute scientists have the opportunity to collaborate with the many federal government research scientists in institutions including; the National Research Council, Agriculture Canada, Health Canada, National Museums, Environment Canada, and Atomic Energy of Canada. Its from these institutions that many of our adjunct professors are drawn.

Further Details on the wide variety of research areas directed by members of the OCIB can be found on the websites for Carleton University Biology and University of Ottawa Biology.

OCIB Symposium

Each spring the graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, staff, and guest speakers gather for the annual OCIB Symposium.

Information about the 22nd Annual OCIB Symposium.

22nd Annual OCIB Symposium (2025) – Adapting to Change and Challenges

  • Speakers TBD

21st Annual OCIB Symposium (2024) – BioUnbound: From Molecules to Ecosystems

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Allyson Brady, Carleton University
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Carol Yauk, Health Canada
  • PubTalk Speaker: Dr. Cathy Cullingham, Carleton University

20th Annual OCIB Symposium (2023) – Resilience and Collaboration

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Eugene Fletcher, Escarpment Laboratories
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kim Hellemans, Carleton University
  • PubTalk Speaker: Dr. Emily Standen, University of Ottawa

19th Annual OCIB Symposium (2022) – Innovation & Inclusion

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Imogen Coe, Ryerson University
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe, Université de Sherbrooke

18th Annual OCIB Symposium (2021) – Mini-symposium

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jenny Bruin, Carleton University

17th Annual OCIB Symposium (2020) – Breaking Barriers in Science

  • Cancelled

16th Annual OCIB Symposium (2019) – Cultivating Curiosity in Science

  • Plenary Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Weathers, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
  • PubTalk: Dr. Dominique Roche, Carleton University

15th Annual OCIB Symposium (2018) – Catalysts for Change

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rees Kassen, University of Ottawa
  • PubTalk: Dr. Odette Laneuville, University of Ottawa

14th Annual OCIB Symposium (2017) – Science for Solutions

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jaquetta Trasler
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Andrew Emili
  • PubTalk: Dr. Howard Rundle

13th Annual OCIB Symposium (2016) – Research with Impact

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Stephen Archer, Queen’s University
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Szyf

12th Annual OCIB Symposium (2015) – OCIB: The Next Generation