Barbara Frei
Adjunct Research Professor
Degrees: | B.Sc. (Carleton University), M.Sc. (McGill University), Ph.D. (McGill University) |
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Current Research
My research program broadly explores conservation solutions and multiple benefits for people and nature in anthropogenic landscapes. My work is highly applied, collaborative, and multi-disciplinary as I often ask questions at the intersection of the human-wildlife dimension. My research includes species-specific behaviour, habitat associations, population ecology, as well as broader themes including patterns of biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being, landscape ecology, climate change and migration, and ‘bright spots’. My research includes both field studies, particularly on migratory birds and their survival and movement through urban areas, as well as large-scale modelling and use of community-science datasets. I work closely with academics, NGOs and communities to co-develop research and outreach collaborations, serve as a resource for Indigenous-led research and conservation efforts, and co-supervise undergraduate and graduate students from multiple universities.
Selected Publications
Poirier V*, Elliott KH, Frei B. 2024. Peri-urban forest margins are important stopover sites for moult-migrating songbirds. Journal of Nature Conservation 77: 126539.
Frei B, Cox A, Morales AR, Roy C. 2024. Community-science reveals delayed fall migration of waterfowl and spatiotemporal effects of a changing climate. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Cox A^, Frei B^, Gutowsky S, Baldwin F, Bianchini K, Roy C. 2023. Sixty-years of community-science data suggest earlier fall migration and short-stopping of waterfowl in North America. Ornithological Applications. ^Joint-first authors.
Morales A*, Frei B, Mitchell GW, Begin Marchand C, Elliott KH. 2022. Reduced diurnal activity and increased stopover duration by molting Swainson’s Thrushes. Ornithology 139(2): ukab083.
Frei B, Queiroz C, Chaplin-Kramer R, Andersson E, Renard D, Rhemtulla JM, Bennett EM. 2020. A brighter future: Complementary goals of diversity and multifunctionality to build resilient agricultural landscapes. Global Food Security 26:100407.