Photo of Catherine Cullingham

Catherine Cullingham

Associate Professor

Degrees:B.Sc. (University of Guelph), Ph.D. (Trent University)
Phone:613-520-2600 x 7066
Office:Office: NB 318B
Lab: NB 311
Website:Visit My Website

Current Research

The Genomics of Plants, Pathogens, and Pests (GP3) lab uses methods from molecular biology, landscape ecology, population genetics/genomics, and geographic information systems to address issues in wildlife management (yes, plants are wildlife). Often my research looks at spread risk of disease from the perspective of the host. This has included using landscape genetics to understand animal movement to predict raccoon rabies, and chronic wasting disease spread, to identifying genetic variation that may be linked to lodgepole pine susceptibility in the mountain pine beetle system.

Currently I am working on community genomics in pine-pathogen systems. While we can garner considerable information studying species in isolation, we need to examine species as a community to better understand host-pathogen systems. Using methods from population genomics and landscape ecology my lab is investigating the mountain pine beetle and western-gall rust systems to better understand what genetic factors contribute to pathogenicity and host-pine susceptibility. We will use these data to develop risk maps across the relevant ranges of the species which can be used to develop additional research questions, and for making management decisions.

I am seeking potential graduate/undergraduate students to join the lab.

Selected Publications

Cullingham CI, Peery RM, Miller JMM (accepted) A roadmap to robust Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC). Mol Ecol Res (Invited Perspective)

Peery RM, Cullingham CI, Coltman DW, Cooke JEK (2022) Traceability of provenance-collected lodgepole pine in a reforestation chain of custody case. Tree Genet Genomes 18:37

McAlliser CH and Cullingham CI, Peery RM, Mbenoun M, McPeak E, Feau N, Hamelin RC, Ramsfield TD, Myrholm C, Cooke JEK (2022) Evidence of coevolution between Cronartium harknessii lineages and their corresponding hosts, lodgepole pine and jack pine. Phytopathology 112:1795-1807

Russell T, Cullingham CI, Ball M, Pybus M, Coltman DW (2021) Extent and direction of introgressive hybridization of mule and white-tailed deer in western Canada. Evol App 14:1914-1925

Bubac C, Cullingham CI, Fox J, Bowen W, de Heyer C, Coltman DW (2021) Genetic association with boldness and maternal performance in a free-ranging population of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). Heredity 127:35-51

Peery RM, McAllister CH, Cullingham CI, Mahon EL, Arango-Velez A, Cooke JEK (2021) Comparative genomics of the chitinase gene family in lodgepole and jack pines: contrasting responses to biotic threats and landscape level investigation of genetic differentiation. Botany 99:355-378

Miller JM, Cullingham CI, Peery RM (2020) The influence of a priori grouping on inference of genetic clusters: simulation study and literature review of the DAPC method. Heredity 125:269-280