Photo of Chris K. Elvidge

Chris K. Elvidge

Research Associate

Degrees:B.Sc. (McGill University), Ph.D. (Concordia University)

Lab SupervisorSteven Cooke

Current Research

I’m an integrative aquatic behavioural ecologist with interests in animal personalities, predator-prey interactions, fisheries-induced evolution, and ecotoxicology. Currently, I’m using a blend of sensory and physiological ecology to evaluate animal responses to anthropogenic stressors and develop technologies to mitigate risks to species of concern in an approach best described as “conservation behaviour”.


Selected Publications

Xia, J., Deng, C., Zheng, X., Huang, Y., Elvidge, C.K. and Fu, S.J. (2023) Differential effects of parental and developmental temperatures on larval thermal adaptation in oviparous and viviparous model fish species. Journal of Thermal Biology 117: 103695.

Elvidge, C.K., Brittain, C., Szekeres, P., Thomas, C. and Cooke, S.J. (2023) A field test of the “graveyard hypothesis” reveals avoidance of chemical but not visual cues in Bahamian queen conch (Aliger gigas). Behavioural Processes 210: 104914.

Elvidge, C.K., Robinson, C.E., Caza, R.A., Hewitt, L.M., Frank, R.A. and Orihel, D.M. (2023) Chemical communication in wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles is influenced by early-life exposure to naphthenic acid fraction components. Aquatic Toxicology 257: 106435.

Ramsaran, V.D., Jackson, B.L., Bucciol, S., Puniani, T., Lawrence, M.J. and Elvidge, C.K. (2021) Perceived predation risk elicits bold, exploratory behaviours in juvenile bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Animal Behaviour 171: 119-127.

Elvidge, C.K., Ford, M.I., Pratt, T.C., Smokorowski, K., Sills, M., Patrick, P.H. and Cooke, S.J. (2018) Behavioural guidance of yellow-stage American eel Anguilla rostrata with a light-emitting diode (LED) device. Endangered Species Research 35: 159-168.