For CHEM 1001A and 1002A you will need to register in:

  1. Section A: Access to all online material via cuLearn, including online lectures to be watched prior to your tutorial.
  2. One Lab section A1, A2…..A7
  3. One Tutorial Section T1, T2, T3 or T4 (Interactive learning environment to work with Instructors on problems and concepts presented in the online lecture)

CHEM 1001 and 1002 are designed for students who have completed Grade 12 Ontario Chemistry (or equivalent) and plan on taking 2nd-year Chemistry courses at Carleton. If these two points do not apply to you, you may want to instead consider CHEM 1005 and 1006.

Each week you will watch approximately 2 hours of online lecture content on your own time, then attend a 1.5 hour tutorial to use the concepts ​introduced in the online lectures in an interactive workshop format. The active tutorial time is mandatory and attendance will be taken each week. This allows students to work through the concepts with multiple Instructors available to answer questions and provide on-going feedback throughout the term. 3-hour labs will be completed every two weeks in our Superlab to gain experimental chemistry experience.

CHEM 1001 E and CHEM 1002 E are for some Engineering students only.

Engineering students enrolled in the following programs are expected to complete CHEM 1001 E and CHEM 1002 E:

  • Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering – Bachelor of Engineering Stream A: Structural
  • Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering – Bachelor of Engineering Stream B: Environmental
  • Biomedical and Electrical Engineering – Bachelor of Engineering
  • Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering – Bachelor of Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering – Bachelor of Engineering

All other Engineering students requiring First Year Chemistry should enroll in CHEM 1101: Chemistry for Engineering Students.

Engineering students eligible to register in CHEM 1001 E and 1002 E will need to register in:

  1. Section E (lectures)
  2. One Lab section (E1, E2, or E3)
  3. Section ETU (tutorials)

This consists of 3 hours of lecture time and 1 hour of tutorial each week, along with a 3-hour lab completed every two weeks.

For CHEM 1005 and 1006, you will need to register in:

  1. Section A (lectures)
  2. One Lab section (A4, A5 or A6 in the fall or A3, A4 or A5 in the winter)
  3. Section ATU (tutorials)

This course is designed for students who do not have any interest or plan in pursuing advanced chemistry courses (2nd year courses or higher) or students who do not have completed Grade 12 Ontario Chemistry (or equivalent).

This consists of 3 hours of lecture time and 1 hour of tutorial each week, along with a 3 hour lab completed every two weeks.

Lab Exemptions

If you have completed the labs previously in the past 3 years with a minimum of 50% you can apply for a lab exemption. This would allow you to retake the course and maintain your previous lab grade. To apply for an exemption, please submit an override request on Carleton Central requesting a lab exemption and please include the semester you took the lab.