Mitacs is offering professors at Canadian universities the opportunity to work with exceptional undergraduate students from India, China, Brazil, and Mexico during a 12-week research project in summer 2013. Mitacs will advertise internationally, review applications and help select students who best fit your project requirements. Mitacs also oversees all logistical aspects of the visit, including visa, medical insurance and accommodation.  Globalink is open to top senior undergraduate students with a minimum GPA of 8 out of 10 (or equivalent), as well as strong letters of recommendation.

There is no financial commitment required from the supervising professors. Mitacs does, however, ask that you are available to work with the student during their stay.

This program is open to all disciplines and Mitacs encourages research project submissions not only from the STEM disciplines, but also Health Sciences, Business, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.


  • Professor projects are due on July 31, 2012
  • Student applications due on September 30, 2012
  • Decisions announced by January 1, 2013

Professor project submissions should include the following:

  • A description of the research project
  • Details on the role of the student in the research including the expected learning outcomes
  • Any specific skills or areas of knowledge required for the student to effectively carry out the research

For more information, click on one of the links below:

To submit a research project please go the following link:

Those interested in applying should contact:

Christine Peachey, Manager International Projects: Email: Phone: 613-520-2600 ext 8358