The International Short Visits fund enables  researchers from elsewhere to go to Switzerland and researchers working in Switzerland to go abroad . The visits can last between one week and three months and are limited to one person (the visiting fellow) going to one institute (the host institute). Both the visiting fellow and one person from the host institute (the host) are co-applicants of the proposal.

The main aim of this funding instrument, which is open to all fields of research, is to initiate or to consolidate international collaborations. To reach this aim, short research projects between the host institute and the visiting fellow should be carried out during the stay. There should be an exchange of knowledge that is beneficial to both co-applicants and their institutions.

The attendance of congresses, conferences, workshops or seminars is not covered. Salaries for researchers on scientific sabbaticals are also not funded.

Eligibility Criteria

The visiting fellow must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • hold a doctorate (or an equivalent degree);
  • be employed as a researcher in his/her country of origin before, during, and after the visit;
  • aim to initiate or consolidate, thanks to his/her visit, a continued collaboration between both labs/institutes;
  • not already have received support for this funding instrument within the last three years. Even after this period, applications can be subjected to restrictions.

General eligibility criteria for the host:

  • have the approval from the director of the host institute to invite the visiting fellow;
  • hold a research/faculty position at the host institute;
  • guarantee having the needed capacities (e.g. working space) to welcome the visiting fellow;
  • must not have had a guest financed by this funding instrument within the last two years.

Funding Amount:

The SNSF pays lump sums contributing solely to travel (one round trip) and living expenses of the visiting fellow. Funding lump sums defined by SNSF based on the length of stay, the applicants do not need to indicate a budget in the application.

Additional information on this funding opportunity can be found here.