A variety of programs are open to established and junior scholars wishing to do research and consultation in the U.S. on a “broad range of contemporary issues relevant to Canada, the United States and the relationship between the two countries.” An information session about the Fulbright programs is usually held at Carleton in mid-October. The Senior Specialist Program also offers an opportunity for departments to invite leading U.S. scholars to spend two to six weeks at Carleton working on collaborative projects.

The Fulbright Visiting Research Chairs enable promising and prominent American scholars, as well as experienced professionals to conduct research, develop collaborations, guest lecture and/or teach at select Canadian universities and research centres, normally for one semester, though this may be extended to a full academic year. In addition, successful candidates will have the opportunity to deliver public lectures, give seminar presentations, participate in conferences and otherwise contribute to ongoing research activities at their host institution. Applicants must have received a Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree by December 31, 2012 or have equivalent professional experience.


Fulbright Canada Calendar:

Fulbright Scholar and Chairs Program (Available to Canadian Scholars and senior professionals who want to lecture and/or

conduct research in the United States during the 2014-15 academic year.)

Competition Opens: May 15, 2013

Competition Closes: November 15, 2013

Fulbright Student Program (Available to Canadian graduate students who want to study and/or do research in the United

States for nine months during the 2014-15 academic year.)

Competition Opens: May 15, 2013

Competition Closes: November 15, 2013

Killam Fellowships Program (Available to Canadian undergraduate students, usually in their third year, who want to study

for one or two semesters in the United States during the 2014-15 academic year.)

Competition Opens: September 1, 2013

Competition Closes: January 31, 2014*

*Please note that this is the Fulbright Canada deadline for partner university/college submissions, as well as for students applying independently

through the open competition; all partner universities/colleges must have an internal deadline prior to that date, normally in December/January, in

order to hold an internal adjudication process and submit the selected applications to Fulbright Canada before January 31.

Fulbright Canada Calendar: Canadian Students & Scholars

For more information visit www.fulbright.ca