
This research grant was established as a memorial to Mahatma (M.K.) Gandhi, and in recognition of the work being carried by an international group of Economists for Peace and Security (EPS), and Mahatma Gandhi Peace Council of Ottawa to support research in Peace and Security, Conflict Resolution and Human Development.


This opportunity is open for research in topics related to Peace and Security, Conflict Resolution and Human Development. Participating students must be enrolled in a graduate program at Carleton University for the entire period of the award. The winner will be chosen by a committee comprised of the Carleton University academic members of the Board of the Canada-India Centre for Excellence in Science, Technology, Trade and Policy, and chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.  The winner will be recognized as the Centre’s scholar, and he/she will duly acknowledge the grant in any report/working paper/publication based on the research facilitated by this grant.  The scholar will be required to submit a report to the Centre at the end of the grant period.



This competition is open to doctoral students/faculty members /visiting research scholars at Carleton for the grant period (6 months, January 1-June 30.)

Funding Available

  • This award is valued at $10,000.00 for the 2013/2014 academic year.
  • Project duration: from 6 months (from January to June, 2014)

Full Details


CURO Checklist and Instructions for faculty submissions

Full application:
CURO Internal Deadline for Review December 12, 2013
CURO Checklist Deadline (Mandatory) December 16, 2013
Full application submission to sponsor December 16, 2013


Internal Contacts

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact your Research Facilitator or Carleton International for help with proposal development and substantive review:

Jaswinder Kaur Canada India Centre X7873 River Building 1401R