
This initiative, which is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, offers grants  to faculty researchers in all disciplines at Ontario universities.  The grant supports research visits to universities in the German state of Baden-Württemberg


The objective of this grant is both to promote new collaborative research partnerships and to strengthen existing partnerships between researchers in Ontario and Baden-Württemberg, applications proposing new partnerships are particularly welcome. The present competition is for grants to support research stays between May 1, 2014 and April 30, 2015.

Complete applications should be submitted by email and must be received by the Program Director on or before December 20, 2013. Applications should consist of:

  • the completed application form saved as a .pdf file or printed and scanned to .pdf, and
  • all the required information listed on page 2 of the application form, collated into a single MS-Word or .pdf file.


  • Only citizens and permanent residents of Canada may hold an OBW Faculty Research Exchange grant.
  • Only full-time faculty members holding a tenured or tenure-track appointment that includes a research component at a participating Ontario university may apply. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. and must at the time of application have been engaged full-time in research and/or teaching for at least two years following receipt of the doctorate.
  • Grant holders must hold an appropriate appointment both at the time of application and for the full period covered by the grant.
  • Regarding concurrent grants, the OBW Faculty Research Exchange will not fund research travel for which other funding is secured.
  • Researchers who have previously received funding under this program will not be eligible.


Funding Available

Each participant will receive a monthly stipend of $1,750 to support her/his living costs in the host country. Grants are exclusively for living costs; they are not intended to support research expenses.

Each participant will be eligible for reimbursement for her/his own reasonable relocation expenses incurred at the beginning and end of the granting period up to a maximum of $1,750. Expenses for dependents cannot be claimed.

OBW Faculty Research Exchange Grants will support researchers for a minimum of one month and a maximum of six months at the host university. Researchers who wish to stay longer than six months are still eligible to participate, but the maximum fundable period will be restricted to six months.

Full Details


CURO Checklist and Instructions for faculty submissions

Full application:
CURO Internal Deadline for Review: December 13, 2013 12:00pm (noon)
Mandatory CURO Checklist Deadline: December 19, 2013
Submission to Organization: December 20, 2013

Internal Contacts

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact:

  • Carleton International for help with proposal development and substantive review:
Gabriela Moreno Carleton Int’l X2200 511 Tory Building