
Since its establishment in 1993, The Ireland Canada University Foundation has awarded Dobbin Scholarships to Irish and Canadian scholars and academics whose research contributes to the rich academic and cultural links between Canada and Ireland.

Dobbin Scholarships are targeted at scholars in the early stages of their research career, and are open to scholars of all academic disciplines. The Canadian awards are to support scholars resident in Canada seeking to make a short research visit to an Irish university or similar institution. The amount of the award depends on duration of research stay.


The awards are designed principally for scholars and academics who are either beginning or are currently engaged at graduate level research in a discipline which is, or has potential to be, related to both Ireland and Canada.

The ICUF Scholarships are for short visits of two to four weeks which will;

  • benefit the scholar’s research,
  • establish new or build on existing academic links between Canada and Ireland, and
  • provide the opportunity for the development of ongoing links in that research area.


  • Applicants must be permanent residents of either country, and have been living there for at least five years. The visit must take place within 12 months after the award is made.
  • The term ‘Ireland’ refers to the entirety of the island of Ireland.

Please note: Due to the spirit and nature of the scholarship, the following are ineligible;

  • Individuals seeking subsidy for study (whether for a short a course, or an undergraduate or postgraduate degree)
  • Academics using the award to go on a sabbatical
  • One off visits, say to attend a conference or give a lecture.

Funding Available

Amount of the award: The amount of the award is contingent on the duration of the research visit, and is based on a duration of between two and four weeks. Awards are structured as follows;

Canadian Scholarships: Travel expenses up to a total of CAD 1,300 will be paid to scholars (on transfer of receipts to ICUF). A weekly stipend of CAD 1,000 will be paid to scholars. This will range from CAD 2,000 (two week visit) to CAD 4,000 (four week visit).

Irish Scholarships: Travel expenses up to a total of € 1,000 will be paid to scholars (on transfer of receipts to ICUF). A weekly stipend of € 800 will be paid to scholars. This will range from €1,600 (two week visit) to €3,200 (four week visit).

*Scholars are free to extend the duration of their stay for personal or professional reasons

Project duration

The funds are provided to meet the costs of a short visit of two to four weeks to a university or research institution in the other country

Full Details


CURO Checklist and Instructions for faculty submissions

Canadian applications March 21, 2014 5:00 PM EST
Irish Applications March 7, 2014 5:00 PM GMT
CURO Internal Deadline for Review March 14, 2014
CURO Checklist Deadline (Mandatory) March 20, 2014

Internal Contacts

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact your Research Facilitator or Carleton International for help with proposal development and substantive review:

Gabriela Moreno Carleton Int’l X2200 511 Tory Building