
In partnership with the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, IDRC’s Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) program is pleased to announce a call for proposal concerning the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) program.


GrOw has identified three themes for research. This call for research specifically looks at Theme 3 – a systematic review of the evidence of the effects of women’s economic empowerment on economic growth.

There is evidence that more equal economic participation of women would not only enhance their well-being, but also improve efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. However, the evidence is far from conclusive and indicates that the relationship between women’s economic empowerment and economic growth is not simple or always positive.

This calls aims to assess whether more equal economic participation of women enhances their well-being as well as the conditions for economic growth. The research will identify the pathways through which women’s economic empowerment affect economic growth. It will also assess the factors that influence this complex relationship.


Only online applications that meet the following eligibility criteria will be considered for funding:

  • Applicants should have a strong prior record of undertaking and publishing evidence synthesis.
  • Applicants are expected to be familiar with systematic principles and standards such as (a) or (b)
  • All research must be relevant and provide lessons for low-income countries; however, research under this call is not restricted to low-income contexts.
  • Proposed projects are to be undertaken by, or in the case of a research consortium, led by a research-oriented institution with legal corporate registration.
  • Research consortia comprised of multiple institutional partners may apply; however, one partner must be designated as the lead institution and submit the application on behalf of the consortium.
  • More than one application may be submitted per institution if projects are led by different principal investigators
  • United Nations, donor, and multilateral organizations, and members of the consortium of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centres are NOT eligible to apply. However, UN organizations and CGIAR centres can be included in applications by other research teams as third party organizations.
  • Applications from individual persons will NOT be accepted.
  • Applications led by principal investigators who are already leads in other GrOW-funded project(s) will NOT be accepted.
  • Research organizations based and/or intending to conduct research in the following countries are NOT eligible for research grants: Cape Verde, Comoros, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, and Somalia.

Funding Available

  • Maximum amount: 500,000
  • Project duration: project duration will not exceed 24 months
  • Indirect costs cannot represent more than 13% of the base budget. Please contact your Research Facilitator for assistance in budget building, and Carleton’s Indirect Cost Policy for more information.

Full Details


Full application:
CURO Internal Deadline for Review March 23, 2015 12:00pm (noon)
CURO Checklist Deadline (Mandatory) March 30, 2015
Full application submission to sponsor March 31, 2015 16:00 (GMT)/11:00 (EST)

Internal Contacts

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact your Research Facilitator or Carleton International for help with proposal development and substantive review:

Darlene Gilson FASS x1790 3A38 Paterson
Andrea Lawrance Science x2616 3205 Herzberg
Catherine Stafford FED X8720 3084 Minto
Kyla Reid FPA x3102 D393 Loeb
Barbara Francis Sprott x2281 819 Dunton
Heloise Emdon Carleton Int’l x8358 1311 Dunton