
The Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme is the product of a strategic partnership between the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Wellcome Trust, with ELRHA overseeing the programme’s execution and management.


The Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme funds public health research aiming to improve health outcomes by strengthening the evidence base of what works in humanitarian crises. Partnerships between academic institutions and humanitarian organizations is a key requirement for funding.

For the third call we are looking for proposals on:

  • Communicable diseases, including epidemics
  • Sexual and reproductive health and/or gender based violence
  • Cost effectiveness of health interventions
  • Ethical issues in the context of public health operations or research during humanitarian crises


It is expected that successful applications will be developed and submitted by a partnership or consortium as appropriate to the research proposal. Consortia could include a variety of organizations (such as research institutions, operational organizations, governmental organizations, individual experts, and local non- government or community based organisations). Please note that R2HC research partnerships must include both a research institution and an operational humanitarian organization.

The lead applicant may not be a profit-seeking enterprise or an individual (though these may form part of the research consortium). At the Expression of Interest stage, applicants will be asked to submit evidence of legal registration. For those proposals which progress beyond the Expression of Interest stage, further documents will be requested in order to conduct due diligence checks.

Funding Available

Up to £3m of research funding is available in the Third Call.

Grants will be for a maximum duration of 24 months.

For those applicants selected to go forward to the Full Application stage, seed funding of up to £10,000 per application will be available. This will be provided to support the development of strong research partnerships and to undertake preliminary data collection if necessary as part of the proposal development process. Applicants will be invited at the Expression of Interest stage of the application to indicate whether they would wish to apply for seed funding and, if so, to submit an outline seed funding budget and outline proposal.

Expressions of Interest should be submitted through the online Common Grant Application system. Requested information includes a summary of the research proposal, preliminary details of the research consortium, and an outline budget. Applicants will need to register for the system before proceeding with applications. A link to the application, where full instructions are provided, is available on the R2HC website

Indirect costs: Where the lead applicant has no alternative source of funding for administrative management of the grant, applicants may request funds to cover these costs. To be considered, these will need to be fully justified. A detailed breakdown of such costs will not be needed at the Expression of Interest stage but will be required at the Full Application stage. Requests for an ‘across the board’ percentage for overheads will not be considered.

Please contact your Research Facilitator for assistance in budget building, and Carleton’s Indirect Cost Policy for more information.

 Full Details


CURO Checklist and Instructions for faculty submissions

Expressions of Interest (EOI):
CURO Internal Deadline for EOI review July 12, 2015
EOI submission to sponsor July 20, 2015
Notification of LOI decisions (if applicable) August 24, 2015
Full application:
CURO Checklist Deadline (Mandatory) July 17, 2015
Full application submission to sponsor December 14, 2015


Internal Contacts

If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact the appropriate Research Facilitator for help with proposal development and substantive review.