Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, invites applications for their project grants. These facilitate collaborations in priority areas of research and actions in public health programmes.


Proposals may address the following areas:

  • identification of disease biomarkers;
  • fundamental and applied neuroscience, to tackle disorders of the nervous system including those triggered by infectious agents.


Applications must be submitted jointly by researchers or teams from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz and from at least one of the Institut Pasteur international network. Cooperation with University of Sao Paulo teams is encouraged.

Funding Available

  • Maximum amount: €15,000 per institution
  • Project duration: up to 2 years

Helpful Links

  • Full details here.


Full application:
CURO Internal Deadline for Review Please contact your Research Facilitator.
cuResearch Checklist Deadline September 9, 2016
Full application submission to sponsor September 16, 2016

Submitting Your Application

  • Applications must be submitted via cuResearch, through which Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.
  • More information on cuResearch can be found here.

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact the appropriate Research Facilitator.