
 The Huawei Innovation Research Program (HIRP) provides funding opportunities to leading universities and research institutes conducting innovative research in communication technology, computer science, engineering, and related fields. HIRP seeks to identify and support world-class, full-time faculty members pursuing innovation of mutual interest. Outstanding HIRP winners may be invited to establish further long-term research collaboration with Huawei.


 HIRP OPEN is a 1-2 year award to support contract-based innovation research of world-class full-time faculty members at top universities around the world.

Huawei issues an annual “HIRP OPEN Call for Proposals” that openly lists key topics of interest and solicits proposals for research subjects. Through a formal review process by Huawei Technical Experts Group members and invited international distinguished scholars, selected proposals will receive financial support.

HIRP OPEN 2016 (Canada) is open only for Canadian universities, seeking proposals in 23 research subjects across 6 research themes.

  • Wireless Communication Technology
  • Future Networks
  • Big Data
  • Computing Technology
  • Compression Technology
  • Media Technology


 Each applicant must be a full-time faculty member (lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor or full professor) at a leading university or research institution that awards research degrees to PhD students in Canada. We do not accept applications from professors on behalf of students, post-docs, or others not eligible to apply.

If an applicant has more than one ongoing project with Huawei, please apply for HIRP OPEN until at least one project is completed.

Applicant(s) shall submit proposals to Huawei for review and evaluation. Applicants shall confirm that no proprietary information has been submitted. Huawei will treat all information submitted in proposals as non-confidential and non-proprietary and use information and materials provided to conduct an internal review and evaluation. Huawei has no obligation with respect to that information and material.

If Huawei selects and funds the proposal, the Research Project shall be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the HIRP Research Agreement. Key HIRP Research Agreement provisions specify each party’s intellectual property rights in the project, and secure other important aspects of the collaboration. Details of HIRP Research Agreement will be sent upon request by an email.

All award payments and recipients will be reviewed for compliance with laws, regulations and policies. Huawei reserves the right to withhold funding that may violate laws, regulations or our policies.

Huawei takes the protection of each applicant’s personal information seriously, and adheres to all applicable laws and regulations related to personal information protection. To be eligible, applicants shall consent to the collection and use of their personal information in accordance with applicable laws.

Full Details Innovation Research Program

Proposals are expected to be in English, in MS Word format only, and no longer than 10 pages.

More details are available in our FAQs.

Proposal should be submitted by website. Please open the link:

Pproposal Submission


Full application:
Full application submission to sponsor March 31st, 2016

**Internal process – New

  • CURO has replaced the pdf CURO checklist with an online approval process through cuResearch
  • Applications will be submitted via the newly launched cuResearch Portal , through which Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.

How to access cuResearch?

Log in at the cuResearch Researcher Portal homepage using your MyCarletonOne credentials. If this is not working, contact cuResearch support for registration. Follow the external funding application instructions here: Accessing cuResearch

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact the appropriate Research Facilitator

Please contact CURO to further discuss confidential disclosure of research topics within this application.