
NATO’s essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. NATO promotes democratic values and encourages consultation and cooperation on defense and security issues to build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.


SPS Grant Mechanisms

  • The SPS Programme supports collaboration through three established grant mechanisms: multi-year research projects, research workshops, and training courses.
  • Interested applicants must develop a collaborative activity that fits within one of the following formats:  1. Multi-year research & development projects
  • What: These are research and development projects related to NATO’s strategic goals and relevant to the SPS Key Priorities. The projects enable Partner country scientists to increase contacts in the NATO science community, while building a stronger science infrastructure in their home countries.
  • Duration: Projects have a typical duration of 2 to 3 years.
  • Target Audience: Applications are submitted jointly by an expert residing and working in a NATO country and one residing and working in a Partner country. Projects involving more than one Partner country are encouraged, as is the participation of young scientists.
  • Budget: NATO funds are provided to cover project-related costs such as scientific equipment, computers, software and training of project personnel as well as of young scientists: roughly half of the budget is generally allocated to equipment, about 20% to training and travel and 15% to stipends; these proportions may vary according to the needs of each project
  • For more detailed information download the application package  (.zip/1282Kb)
  • The terms and conditions for SPS Multi Year Projects (MYP) changed significantly in 2015.

Training courses

  • Advanced Study Institute (ASI)
  • What: This is a high-level tutorial course offering the latest developments in a NATO-relevant subject to an advanced-level audience.
  • Duration: An ASI lasts about 7 working days. Lecturers of international standing report new advances on topics of security-related civil science.
  • Target Audience: Pre- and Post-doctoral level scientists with a relevant background in the subject matter of the course. In particular, young scientists from NATO Partner countries are encouraged to attend.
  • Budget: The SPS grant (average 60,000 EUR) pays for direct organizational costs, travel and living expenses of up to 15 lecturers and attendance of students (60 to 80) from countries eligible to receive NATO funding.

Advanced Training Course (ATC)

  • What: This is a course designed to enable specialists in NATO countries to share their security-related expertise in one of the SPS Key Priority areas. An ATC is not intended to be lecture-driven, but to be intensive and interactive in nature. The course contributes to the training of experts in Partner countries and enables the formation and strengthening of international expert networks.
  • Target Audience: Trainees (20 to 50) primarily from Partner countries.
  • These trainees are chosen on the basis of their qualifications and experience and the benefit they may draw from the ATC in their future activities.
  • Duration: 5-7 working days
  • Budget: The SPS grant (average 60,000 EUR) pays for direct organizational costs, travel and living expenses of all specialists and attendance costs of trainees from countries eligible to receive NATO funding.


  • Advanced Research Workshop (ARW)
  • What: Advanced-level discussions among experts from different countries with the aim of addressing contemporary security challenges
  • Duration: 2-5 days
  • Target Audience: 20-50 participants, with the workshop preferably being held in the Partner country.
  • Budget: The SPS grant (average amount: 30,000 to 40,000 EUR) is intended to cover direct organizational expenses of the ARW, the travel and living expenses of key speakers, as well as the attendance of non-speakers from NATO countries and Partner countries unable to obtain support from other sources.

 Full Details

**Internal process

  • CURO has replaced the pdf CURO checklist with an online approval process through cuResearch
  • Applications will be submitted via the newly launched cuResearch Portal , through which Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.

How to access cuResearch?

Log in at the cuResearch Researcher Portal homepage using your MyCarletonOne credentials. If this is not working, contact cuResearch support for registration. Follow the external funding application instructions here: Accessing cuResearch


Full application:
CURO Internal Deadline for Review January 25, 2016
CURO Checklist Deadline (Mandatory) January 31, 2016
Full application submission to sponsor February 1, 2016

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact the appropriate Research Facilitator