IC-IMPACTS is seeking project proposals in three categories of projects in the deployment-ready stage of development related to IC-IMPACTS themes on safe and sustainable infrastructure, integrated water management and public health and disease prevention:

  • Technology Indigenization or Product Adaptation [i.e. proven technology being adapted to meet country-specific regulations or standards, different market price-points, unique community requirements (eg. different water conditions, dispersed population, different level of target audience (individual versus community or vice versa), etc.
  • Technology or Research Validation within a community context [i.e. validation of proven laboratory research into the field context, including validation of functionality, performances, quality, usability, and community uptake potential]
  • Technology Replication in new community context – proof of scalability and transferability to different settings [i.e. secondary deployment of technology into a different context with new parameters to assess scalability and reliability]; symmetrical projects that take the technology into the opposite country are of particular interest (i.e. if first tested in Canada, then a deployment in India, or vice versa)


The objectives of the IC-IMPACTS Innovation Demonstration Initiative (IDI) are to:

  • Encourage the transfer of technology and knowledge resulting from India-Canada research and technology development partnerships;
  • Foster Canada-India collaborative research and trade development activities;
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of innovative technologies for the Canadian and Indian marketplace; and, most importantly,
  • Improve the health, safety and prosperity of communities through the introduction of new technologies in Canada and/or India.
  • To improve Canada-India economic ties


All projects must be based on excellence in research and have the following additional elements:

  • Include Canadian academic team member(s)
  • Include Canadian graduate student involvement
  • Include an Industry partner, or other appropriate organization, agency, government or community partner, at the time of application with clear commitment of contribution to the project (cash and/or in-kind contributions must be in evidence)
  • Include commitment from a community context or testing site agreeing to the deployment of the technology
  • Fit the strategic priorities of Indian or Canadian communities
  • Be tailored to the market within which the technology is being deployed to ensure the potential for successful technology uptake (i.e. in terms of complexity, maintenance and price-point)
  • If a project does not have a team member from India (academic, industry, community partner) the application must clearly indicate a strategy for knowledge sharing from the demonstration to Indian target audience

Funding Available

  • Maximum amount: $25,000
  • Project duration: max 24 months

Helpful Links

  • Full details here.

Submitting Your Application

  • Applications must be submitted via cuResearch, through which Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.
  • More information on cuResearch can be found here.

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact the appropriate Research Facilitator.