Partnership Program for North America

The partnership program for North America supports cooperation between Norway, USA and Canada, to develop institutionally anchored partnership of high quality. Central objectives are increased cooperation, increased link between research and education, increased collaboration with industry/work life and increased student mobility.

  • Short term projects can be supported by up to 300 thousands Norwegian Kroner over a period of 2 year. Overall frame for this measure is 1.7 MNOK.
    Application deadline: 17. Oct 2016.
  • Long term projects can be supported by up to 2 million Norwegian Kroner over a 4 year period. Overall frame for this measure is 24 MNOK.
  • Deadline: Expired, New call in 2020.

High North Program 2013-2018

  • Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) is welcoming applications to the High North Programme supporting projects contributing to increased knowledge about or relevant to the High North.
  • Application deadline is 17 October 2016.