The Kone Foundation invites applications for its grants for research and art. These support academic and artistic work and projects combining the two in the field of humanities, social sciences, arts and environmental studies, covering also multidisciplinary approaches.


These grants support research in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and environmental and artistic research, although they are generally not available for research in the fields of education, psychology, theology, law or business studies without a cross-disciplinary dimension. The following grants are available to support fulltime work:

  • project grants support one or more investigators with a chief investigator;
  • doctoral researcher grants
  • postdoctoral research grants
  • experienced researcher grants


Applicants must have completed a master’s degree. Priority is given to multi- and interdisciplinary and marginal fields of research. Internationality is valued, therefore Finnish applicants conducting research abroad and foreign applicants conducting research in Finland are also given priority. With researcher grants, priority is given to researchers who have recently completed their PhD or to more established researchers. Geographically, the foundation focuses on the Baltic region.

Successful researcher grant applicants may also request travel grants abroad or funding for equipment costs, or for hosting conferences. Generally funding is available for one year, but some projects may receive funding for longer periods of time.

Funding Available

  • doctoral researcher grants, worth €2,360 per month;
  • postdoctoral research grants, worth €2,700 per month;
  • experienced researcher grants, worth €3,500 per month for researchers with significant amount of publications, equal to docent level researcher.

Helpful Links

  • Full details here.


Full application:
CURO Internal Deadline for Review Please contact your Research Facilitator.
cuResearch Checklist Deadline September 23, 2016
Full application submission to sponsor September 30, 2016

Submitting Your Application

  • Applications must be submitted via cuResearch, through which Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.
  • More information on cuResearch can be found here.

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact the appropriate Research Facilitator.