The Ontario-China Research and Innovation Fund (OCRIF) supports scientific and technological collaboration projects between China and Ontario. Offered through a partnership with Ontario’s Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science (MRIS), China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), OCRIF promotes scientific, technological and industrial research and commercialization cooperation.

The objectives of this program are:

  • To support scientific and technological collaboration between Ontario and China
  • To develop and enhance cooperation in the field of industrial and technology innovations, to improve competitiveness, and to further economic and business collaboration between Ontario and China


Ontario Applicants:

  • Ontario publicly-assisted universities
  • Ontario colleges of applied arts, science and technology
  • Not-for-profit research institutes affiliated with an Ontario university
  • Consortia of the above, with one institution as lead applicant, assuming responsibility and accountability for the consortium
  • Other Ontario not-for-profit research institutions at the discretion of OCE.
  • Technology companies with operations in Ontario

China Applicants: research institutions or companies in China

Ontario applicants should direct their China partners to apply directly to MOST for funding.

Available Funding

OCE will support up to 50 per cent of the direct, eligible research costs, to a maximum of $210,000 CAD per project (for academic applicants) or $250,000 CAD per project (for company applicants) for the Ontario portion of the project. Most will support up to 50 per cent of the eligible research costs, to a maximum of $250,000 CAD per project, for the Chinese portion of the project. The maximum total grant amount, including OCE and MOST contributions, to be received by a project is $460,000 CAD (where the Ontario applicant is a post-secondary institution) or $500,000 CAD (where the Ontario applicant is a company).

Contributions by OCE and China must be matched at least 1:1 in cash and/or in-kind by applicants/partners in Ontario and China, respectively; i.e. to receive the maximum grant amount, the Ontario applicant/partner(s) must provide at least $210,000 CAD (for academic applicants) or $250,000 CAD (for company applicants), and the Chinese applicant and/or partner(s) must also provide at least $250,000 CAD. Letters of support from each organization providing cash and/or in-kind contributions must be included along with the application, confirming both the amount of matching funding and the intended use of the contributions.

Useful Links


CORIS Internal Review Please contact Heloise Emdon
cuResearch Checklist January 12, 2018
Submission to Sponsor January 20, 2018

Submitting Your Checklist

  • Checklists must be submitted via cuResearch, through which the Departmental and Associate Dean’s approval must be provided to complete the online application process.
  • More information on cuResearch can be found here.

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact Heloise Emdon.