
The Mitacs-JSPS Summer Program, offered in partnership with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) provides opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Canada to pursue collaborative research in Japan, allowing them to advance their own research while promoting scientific progress in both Japan and Canada.


1) Nationality
Be a citizen or permanent resident of the UK, France, Germany, Canada and Sweden(Others with equivalent status may apply if approved by the nominating authority in one of the above countries).
2) Academic Status
Candidates must fulfill one of the following conditions:
– Be enrolled in a university graduate program.
– Hold a doctorate degree when the program goes into effect, which must have been received on or after 2 April 2014.
3) Candidates must receive in advance acceptance from their host researcher.
4) Candidates must aspire to become a researcher in future.
* Note: Those who have previously been awarded a fellowship under the JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan are not eligible.

Funding Available

1) International Travel (Round-trip Airfare)
In principle, JSPS will provide the fellow with a round-trip airfare (a discounted economy ticket), which as a rule will be between the international airport nearest to the institution at which he/she is currently affiliated and Narita International Airport. Flight arrangements are made by JSPS’s designated travel agent based on JSPS regulations. However, the fellow who stays in Japan for more than 90 days (the fellowship tenure) may not be provided either his/her outward airfare or his/her homeward airfare.

2) Maintenance Allowance (534,000 yen)
JSPS provides maintenance allowances to cover living expenses and domicile costs related to fellows’ stay in Japan for the purpose of carrying out research activities in collaboration with their Hosts. In addition, JSPS will cover the following expenses separately from the allowance: hotel room charges at Narita and Tokyo, and meals and accommodation charges at SOKENDAI.

3) Insurance
Under the Overseas Travel Accident Insurance Policy in force between JSPS and the designated insurance company, all JSPS fellows are insured collectively during their fellowship tenures in Japan and are eligible to receive accident and sickness benefits under the policy.

4) Research Support Allowance at the Institution (Up to 158,500 yen)
A research support allowance of up to 158,500 yen is available to the Host for the purpose of covering research-related expenses.

Internal Contacts

If you would like assistance with proposal development and/or a substantive review of your proposal, please contact Sylvie Jasen.


Faculty Deadline Please contact Sylvie Jasen
CORIS Deadline (Approval Form and Application) November 20, 2019
Submission to Sponsor November 27, 2019 5 pm PT ( 8 pm EST)

Submitting Your Application

  • Step 1) Submit an internal Carleton Approval Form
    Submit an internal Approval Form through our central awards management database CUResearch:
    For a user’s guide on submitting an Approval Form, click here.
  • Step 2) Submit an external application to the granting agency
    Submit an external application to the corresponding grant or award agency. For further details about funding categories, eligibility criteria and deadlines for this opportunity, click here.